Akshay Kadam shows how to build a complete Tic Tac Toe game using Svelte, a radical new compiler that can be used to create blazing-fast web apps.
Akshay Kadam shows how to build a complete Tic Tac Toe game using Svelte, a radical new compiler that can be used to create blazing-fast web apps.
Mads Soegaard introduces customer journey maps, explaining how to measure customer engagement, how much customers feel they’re in a relationship with your product, business or brand, and the best tools for getting the job done.
Pavels Jelisejevs introduces React Storybook, demonstrating how it aids collaboration and eases the pain of maintaining the UI components in your projects.
Michael Grogan explains how to link the UI and server side in a Shiny app, customize Shiny themes, and implement error messages to guide end users.
Abbas Suterwala looks at using ViewPager in Android for creating sliding screen UIs in your apps.
Card-based layouts are a great option for many design problems. Ivaylo shows us how to use Semantic UI to create great, mobile-friendly UIs.
In his first article for SitePoint, Kumar Animesh shows Android developers how to create an iOS style swipe button for Android Apps.
In this article Sergey Laptick introduces you to Webix, a JavaScript and HTML5 framework for developing cross-platform web apps with responsive UIs.
No-one wants a bad UX, but some areas have more serious repercussions than others. Abder-Rahman looks at how things can go wrong with Healthcare UX.
Usernames can be one letter or a hundred. This can present a challenge when we need to display them in our UI. Vinay looks at a curly UI pattern problem.
Firefox OS 2.0 is set to introduce many new features, UI and design changes to the burgeoning OS, we take a tour through them.
Is your login friendly doorman or cranky guard? Jessica Enders shows you how to get your users logged in fast by getting your login screens out of the way.
Twenty years ago, Tim Berners-Lee built the world's first navigation menu in the world's first webpage. Here's a look at where nav menus are at in 2014.
Single page web design may be the best way to cater to the ever-shortening human attention span. Here are 15 of the best.
This article is about tips and features of Reading Mode in WordPress.
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