Abder-Rahman's articles
Abder-Rahman explores uses of "yield" in Python, such as resuming execution where a function exited, iterating over a sequence, and working with iterables.
A.Hasan walks through counting the frequency of words in a large text file with Ruby. This technique is useful skill to have in your Ruby tool belt.
A. Hasan introduces the Python Imaging Library and Pillow, showing how to read and resize images, convert to grayscale and change image file formats.
Abder-Rahman lists 10 time-saving tips for Pythonists, from coding styles to using libraries and testing Python code regularly.
A. Hasan explains the writing of a script to count "considered words". The script filters out numbers and email addresses, among other items.
Abder-Rahman Ali reports on the UK's NHS issuing guidance for medical practitioners in prescribing Apps to patients and what this means for all of us.
Abder-Rahman Ali continues the Ruby on Medicine series, showing how to use Ruby to smoothly scroll through VERY large (think, GBs) text files.
No-one wants a bad UX, but some areas have more serious repercussions than others. Abder-Rahman looks at how things can go wrong with Healthcare UX.
Abder-Rahman takes a look at the most popular code editors used by Python experts, and explains how to set up the most popular: Sublime Text
Abder-Rahman Ali follows up his interviews about text editor usage in Ruby with one about IDEs. Learn which IDE Rubyists prefer and why it's at the top.
This article is the first article in the Ruby on Medicine (RoM) series focused on how Ruby can be applied to the medical domain.

Abder-Rahman Ali interviews 100 Rubyists to find out what editor they use and which is the most popular.