Vinay Raghu is a UI/UX developer passionate about experimenting with the latest frontend technologies. He is an avid open source contributor and loves meetup groups. You can learn more about him at
Vinay's articles
I know what it's like: You know you should be doing more user testing, but there's so much to catch up on. Vinay has a shortcut for you.
Usernames can be one letter or a hundred. This can present a challenge when we need to display them in our UI. Vinay looks at a curly UI pattern problem.
Vinay Raghu talks about the difference between UI kits and CSS frameworks and how frameworks should be chosen if your development is component-based.
Vinay Raghu explains the source maps feature in Chrome, how it's beneficial to Sass debugging, and how you can enable the feature in the developer tools.
Vinay Raghu looks at some different ways to structure your Sass projects, including a look at the architecture of some well-known projects.