HeadSpin is a performance testing platform for actionable insights into your app. Test on real devices, automate testing, and move faster.
HeadSpin is a performance testing platform for actionable insights into your app. Test on real devices, automate testing, and move faster.
Ahmed Boucherfra provides an in-depth guide to making use of the performance-related tools within Firefox's developer tools.
Ahmed Bouchefra offers an in-depth exploration of the features of the Chrome DevTools for measuring performance and debugging your web applications.
Hayden James looks at how best to setup PHP-FPM for high throughput, low latency and a more stable use of CPU and memory.
Ahmed Boucherfra presents 23 tools you should know about for boosting front-end and back-end website performance.
SVG is a powerful format but you need to make good decisions to get great results. Ivalyo walks you through exporting SVG in Adobe Illustrator.
Interested in learning about Brotli Compression and its effects on WordPress performance? Take a look and find out if it's worth implementing!
Zoran uses Siege to benchmark and load-test a Symfony app, killing it in the process. He then uses cache to revive it and make it work under pressure!
Maria Antonietta Perna introduces three HTML minification tools to automate optimization of your markup for a faster website and better user experience.
Annarita Tranfici looks at 5 services to help you optimize your mobile apps based on how users are actually using them.
Younes writes an entire Notejam app from scratch in this in-depth tutorial and analysis of the high-speed Blink framework
Christopher Pitt re-introduces generators on a practical demo by reading and writing large CSV files while using very little memory.
Narayan introduces Munee - a PHP lib that automates CSS, JS, LESS, SCSS, CoffeeScript etc minification and compilation, image resizing, caching, and more!
Here's a look at Yahoo's MySQL performance analyzer - we go through its options, from graphs to alerts. It's getting ever easier to speed up your DBs!
In this tutorial, Bruno implements a Redis cache into an existing application - learn how you can speed up your apps by many factors in just minutes!
Wern Ancheta goes through another set of common caching techniques in PHP: Varnish, Memcached and libraries like Doctrine Cache and Stash
In this video I'll walk through webpagetest.org, explaining what to look for when evaluating a site for performance.
Amit Diwan looks at what makes a performance testing tool effective and considers 7 options you'll want to look at.
This article explains how you can use Grunt to automate performance testing.
Daniel Imms examines Chromium's Telemetry and WebPagetest.org to show you how you can measure page speed by addressing the loading of above-the-fold content.
This article looks at 5 Grunt tasks that can easily improve the performance of your website.
Tom Butler did an analysis on DI container performance and published his results in this post. They're not what you would expect.
Aurelio introduces the HTML5 Resource timing API, which helps us collect timing information for various resources loaded locally or via third parties.
Page weights have been spiralling out of control in recent years. Ada looks at 5 online image compression tools that might help get your pages in shape.
If you've been frustrated by sluggish browser performance when using CSS effects, the CSS Stress Test bookmarklet might help you identify the problem.