Wern's articles
Learn the basics of using Vue Router, such as router setup, passing custom parameters, page navigation, and implementing a 404 page.
You don't need to be a programmer to build apps. Learn how to create a CRUD app and set up your own server via drag and drop with Bubble.
Navigation is crucial to React Native app development. Learn why React Native Navigation might be the best option for your next React Native project.
Attention Laravel lovers! The Livewire framewor can help you build awesome, dynamic interfaces without writing lots of JavaScript.
Wern Ancheta introduces React Native, covering what React Native is, how to get started, what Expo is, how to set up a dev environment, and how to create an app with React Native.
Wern builds a fully custom calendar application using the Google Calendar API and the Laravel framework - check it out!
Wern Ancheta develops a product search API for Amazon products with Amazon Products Advertisement API
In this tutorial we’ll be creating a Hacker News Reader app with Fuse, a tool for developing cross-platform apps that runs on both Android and iOS devices.
Wern shows us how to use Laravel and Guzzle to build our own full Dropbox client with the Dropbox API!
Wern shows us how easy it is to get stared with developing Shopify powered PHP apps with Guzzle and Shopify's HTTP API.
Wern Ancheta shows you how to build a Pokemon spawn location recorder app with CouchDB and the Slim Framework, wrapping it up in good security practices!
React Native is a great framework for building cross platform apps, and Wern Ancheta looks at adding user analytics with Keen.io and Segment.io
Wern Ancheta shows us how to install, use, customize, and deploy a static site blog generated with Sculpin - a PHP static site generator!
Wern Ancheta takes us through a practical crash course into using CouchDB - CRUD, configuration, cooperation with PHP, and more!
Wern Ancheta shows how to to communicate with bluetooth low energy devices in a Cordova-based app.
Wern Ancheta uses React Native and the Microsoft face API to create a face recognition app.
Wern Ancheta builds a brand new Google Drive admin UI with Laravel!
Wern Ancheta walks you through building and packaging a cross-platform music streaming app, using electron, React and the SoundCloud API.
Wern Ancheta covers realtime app development with RethinkDB and React Native for automatic data updates pushed straight to users
In this tutorial, we’re going to take a look at the Marvel API, a tool provided by Marvel for developers to get access to the 70-plus years of Marvel comics data.
Wern Ancheta adds authentication to React Native apps using Firebase.
Wern Ancheta demonstrates how to build a file sharing component with React and PeerJS, using WebRTC for peer-to-peer transfer.
Wern Ancheta uses the Ionic framework and the Google Vision API to create an image recognition app.
Wern continues the movie prediction app building process, this time nelisting the full power of Lumen, ElasticSearch, and PredictionIO
In this tutorial, Wern Ancheta shows you how to work with Sage to modernize your process when developing WordPress themes.
Wern Ancheta builds a Hacker News reader with a local cache from nothing with the Lumen microframework!
Wern Ancheta creates an imgur clone app to demonstrate the features and performance of NativeScript for cross platform app development.
Wern Ancheta walks through building an SMS appointment reminder app with Node.js, using the Google Calendar and Twilio APIs.
Wern Ancheta covers the WordPress MVC plugin that adds MVC support to WordPress, enabling you to write your plugins using an MVC architecture.
Wern Ancheta looks at using LokiJS with Cordova based apps for fast and light data storage.