Learn how Cypress testing works, how to set up a test, and how to migrate from Selenium to Cypress for testing your web application.
Learn how Cypress testing works, how to set up a test, and how to migrate from Selenium to Cypress for testing your web application.
ngrok is a free service that helps you share a site or server running on your local machine. This tutorial shows you how to use it.
Though browsers are arguably more reliable than they've ever been, we still can't forget about cross-browser testing tools. Here are 7 top options for you.
Need to test your React components? Check out Jest, a testing framework by Facebook with some great features that make testing React components a breeze.
Learn about Insphpect, a tool that scans your PHP code for object-oriented programming techniques that hinder code reusability and flexibility.
Akshay Kadam introduces four types of app testing, and shows how to use Puppeteer to perform end-to-end testing on an application.
Learn how to use Detox to implement end-to-end testing in your React Native app, covering configuration, writing selectors, common challenges, and more.
Mislav Javor explains how to test smart contracts, using both Truffle and JavaScript.
An intro to the basics of Angular testing, covering tools like Jasmine, Karma and Protractor, unit tests, end-to-end testing, code coverage, linting and CI.
Learn to write functional JavaScript tests with Selenium WebDriver 3, Mocha and Node.js.
Camilo Reyes explores what it takes to unit test React components and the thought process required for making components testable.
Let's take a fresh look at PHPUnit - the de-facto TDD tool for PHP. We'll explain TDD on an example, implement code coverage, and more!
Chris writes test watchers: auto-compiling PHP from Preprocess files, and auto-testing after every file-change. No need to manually run PHPUnit ever again!
Take a look at this list of 8 PHP Quality Assurance tools - absolute essentials in your passion projects
Graham Cox introduces Cucumber, a framework that runs BDD-style acceptance tests, which can be understood by non-technical people involved in a project.
Chris explains what snapshot testing is on some ReactJS code, before applying it to PHP and giving you something to think about when you close this tab!
Mike Cantelon demonstrates various strategies for testing Node applications and offers some handy tips and tricks for debugging failing tests.
Vasily Strelyaev introduces TestCafe, a new, open-source Node.js-based end-to-end testing framework for web apps.
Viraj demonstrates Laravel Dusk - a browser testing tool designed for testing your apps in full - including UI and JavaScript!
Learning property based testing, or property checking, in Java using Vavr (formerly Javaslang) and the FizzBuzz Kata.
Eric Bahn explains how he and his sister validated Read Your Story's business model and grew this children's book startup enough to go full-time.
John Wheeler explains how he created a bootstrapped minimum viable product and turned it into a moneymaker in less than two months.
Summarizing where JUnit 5 is currently standing, discussing everything from API, extension model, and architecture to history, tool support, and open issues
Paul Wilkins demonstrates various JavaScript refactoring techniques to make your code more generic & strike the balance between readability and reusability.
A new tool for static analysis of PHP code has shown up: PHPSA - PHP Smart Analyzer. Tune in and check out what it can do!
Hugo Giraudel introduces JavaScript functional testing and demonstrates how it can ensure that an application works as expected from a user’s perspective.
Here's a quick way to get rid of filesystem troubles (cleanup anyone?) when practicing TDD - virtual file systems!
We use tests to test our code. But... how do we test our tests? Let's take a look at Humbug: a mutation testing framework!
Andrew explains how to perform database-related tests in a Symfony app much faster - with a disposable in-memory SQLite database, avoiding any bulky mocks
Nitpick CI is a service with a singular purpose - making sure your Github PRs respect the PSR-2 code standard. In this post, we'll put it to the test