Reza's articles
Learn what cron is and how to use it. This guide covers the basics of cron jobs, as well as some more advanced features.
Let's build a Laravel powered lyrics website and give it the superpower of rapid fuzzy searching with Algolia and Laravel Scout!
Implementing social logins is making your head explode? Oauth to complex? No more! With Socialite, it's done in 30 minutes, for ANY social service.
What are proxies? How can we use them? And what kind of advanced use cases can we think of? Let's perform some RESTful remote miracles with ProxyManager!
Crunz is a framework-agnostic library for scheduling and defining cronjobs wholly in PHP. Commit them to VCS, edit without server access, and more!
A couple of helper methods for quickly and effectively passing larger numbers of variables to views from your controllers
Here's a quick way to get rid of filesystem troubles (cleanup anyone?) when practicing TDD - virtual file systems!
We build a basic framework with a new dependency injection container called Disco, explaining all the confusing concepts along the way. Join us!
M. Lavaryen explains the Blackfire profiler in depth and demonstrates its use on a simple script, laying the groundwork for further exploration on your end!
Ever wondered how to quickly add that "Xmas mode" or holiday promotion to your site? Feature toggling to the rescue! Check out Qandidate's Toggle!
Reza explains how we can use PDFtk to fill out PDF forms programmatically, and then builds a class around the functionality to make things even easier!
Reza goes through Elixir, a Laravel addon for front-end asset management. Compilation, minification, optimization, versioning and more - check it out!
M. Reza explains how Laravel's facades work and shows you how to reimplement them in any non-Laravel project! Facades in Silex? Yes please!
Learn how to set up a cron job in your Laravel application, and the difference between basic and advanced scheduling.
Reza Lavaryan wraps up his fleximenu series by writing the last two classes for our menu builder - Item and Link.
Reza Lavaryan introduces an implementation of a menu builder for Twitter Bootstrap 3 by building a Menu Manager class for part 1 of this series