Viraj's articles

Crash Course: Continuous Deployment with Semaphore CI
Viraj takes us through the basic process of setting up Continuous Deployment to a DigitalOcean server by means of Semaphore CI. Exciting!

Laravel Dusk – Intuitive and Easy Browser Testing for All!
Viraj demonstrates Laravel Dusk - a browser testing tool designed for testing your apps in full - including UI and JavaScript!

How to Properly Deploy Web Apps via SFTP with Git
Viraj demonstrates the full process of writing custom code for deploying different commits of your app to an SFTP server using Git and PhpSecLib

Phpseclib: Securely Communicating with Remote Servers via PHP
Viraj introduces Phpseclib: a package for securely communicating with a remote server via PHP. Execute commands, list dir trees, schedule crons, and more!