Nowadays, new features are added to browsers at a rate of knots. Oliver Williams shows how polyfills let you write modern code, which will work everywhere.
Nowadays, new features are added to browsers at a rate of knots. Oliver Williams shows how polyfills let you write modern code, which will work everywhere.
In this quick tip Jon Persson illustrates how you can quickly integrate the popular e-commerce services provided by Gumroad with your Jekyll website.
A while loop is a control flow statement that runs a piece of code multiple times. It consists of a loop condition and body. Java also has a do while loop.
Use Java Bean Validation's @Valid Annotation for validating entire object graphs with one method call.
In this quick tip, Jelena Jovanovic shows how to customize the Telescope Nova theme, both markup and stylesheet with these easy-to-follow steps.
Steve Kinney introduces some tips & tricks for debugging Electron applications and shows how you can use Visual Code to set breakpoints in the main process.
Use the Java Bean Validation methods validateValue() and validateProperty() to independently check fields of a target class or even their potential values.
The Criteria API provides a type-safe way to define queries programmatically. This article shows how to select Plain Old Java Objects with a CriteriaQuery.
In this quick tip, Jon Persson shows how to build a customizable HTML widget for the static website generator Jekyll in a few simple steps.
Java's ternary operator (aka conditional operator) can be summarized as a shortcut for the if statement. Used with care, it improves readability.
Referential transparency is a tool to help programmers reason about their programs and make them safer, and easier to test and to maintain.
If statements are used to conditionally run blocks of code. They're an essential tool for controlling the flow of a program.
Java's reflection API allows the inspection and invocation of types, methods, fields, annotations, etc. without creating compile time dependencies.
The synchronized keyword is a common building block in concurrent Java applications. Learn how to use it to avoid race conditions.
A race condition occurs when multiple threads mutate shared state such that the outcome depends on how exactly the threads' operations interleave.
Threads are Java's basic abstraction for running code in parallel. Learn how to use the Thread class to launch, finish, and wait for threads.
Java's switch statement allows easy selection of execution paths based on a variable's value. Switches can replace if-else-if chains.
In this quick tip, Jérémy Heleine covers how you can translate a WordPress plugin description to make it more user friendly in any language.
Learn to style Google Custom Search (CSE) and the search results for your site with JavaScript. Almir Bijedic shows you how to do it the right way.
Claudio introduces us to a new PHPCS standard - PhpCompatibility. This standard checks your code for compatibility with past and present versions of PHP!
Laravel has the option to bind models to routes, for easy auto-fetching. See how they can be configured, and how to switch to UUID instead of primary keys!
Glenn Goodrich shows that, although there are many ways to create a Hash in Ruby, they are all just a bit of child's play.
A solution to the PayPal IPN Simulator "INVALID" problem - where the verification message always returns invalid, even if everything seems fine
Andrew explains how to perform database-related tests in a Symfony app much faster - with a disposable in-memory SQLite database, avoiding any bulky mocks
A quick solution to getting rid of the 502 Nginx error when developing locally with Opera
Simon Codrington looks at how to animate individual characters using CSS animations and some simple jQuery.
James Hibbard demonstrates how to persist checkbox checked state (useful for remembering users' preferences) and implement a check/uncheck all button.
Georgie Luhur shares some tips for using the figure and figcaption semantic elements correctly.
Ian Chandler discusses how with Jetpack’s Publicize feature, you can instantly share posts on social media networks.
Abder-Rahman explores uses of "yield" in Python, such as resuming execution where a function exited, iterating over a sequence, and working with iterables.