Deivi Taka looks at Gradle, a popular build system for Java that is also part of Android Studio and gives us a quick overview of how it works
Tag: quick-tip
You may have run into the problem of the "jump" effect when adding bold to hover states on text links. George looks at a few ways to solve this issue.
There are many ways to install the Android SDK depending on how you want to develop your apps. Donald Dragoti rounds up the options.
Kingsley Silas runs throw a quick tutorial on adding Google ReCAPTCHA to your Rails application. He includes Devise integration as well. Very useful.
Shaumik Daityari describes in simple steps how to update your GitHub fork via the command line interface.
Learn how to use the Github web UI to sync a fork with the original repo quickly and easily, all without the use of a CLI
MySQL 5.7 introduced some awkward changes for older codebases and tends to break apps. Here's how to temporarily (or permanently) lower the strictness level
Bruno Skvorc compiles a list of Composer tips and tricks for efficient workflows.
This post will show you how to install custom PHP extensions into Zend Server 7. The tutorial focuses on Phalcon, but applies to all extensions.
Is it possible to get eZ Publish up and running in a Vagrant box hosted on Windows? Let's find out.
Get a Homestead VM up and running in under a couple of minutes on any platform