Working with large web apps often involves creating and parsing spreadsheets. Learn how to handle and parse these files using Python.
Tag: LouisL
Should you use Canvas or SVG? It depends! Let's walk through all the scenarios where Canvas and SVG are an option and work out which is the best choice.
Adrian Sandu explains the purpose and advantages of rem units, demonstrating ways to use em and rem units in CSS layouts.
Ashraff Hathibelagal explains how to use Bootstrap and Tumblr’s special operators to create a Tumblr theme you can use for your Tumblr blog.
George customizes Bootstrap's carousel component, converting it to a full-screen Bootstrap Carousel slideshow and randomizing the first slide on page load.
Maria Antonietta Perna uses some jQuery and the Animate.css animations library to add some extra subtle visuals to the slides in the Bootstrap carousel.
Maria Antonietta Perna discovered a problem when combining Bootstrap tabs with Masonry. She describes a solution to the issue in this post.
Maria walks through some of the new features in Bootstrap 4, including its modular architecture, reusable components and easier scaling across screen sizes.
Ivaylo Gerchev looks at the pros and cons of choosing between, prebuilt, front-end frameworks versus using a custom solution.
Giulio Mainardi explains the new font-display property and how it will help CSS developers improve rendering of fonts during page load.
Ashley Nolan introduces the features of stylelint, a flexible and well-supported CSS linting tool that can improve your team's code style and maintenance.
Giulio Mainardi shows you how to build a Trello layout using CSS's new Grid Layout Module features and Flexbox, along with some Sass for efficiency.
Asha Laxmi introduces and explains what CSS inheritance is, how it helps development, and what pitfalls to avoid while using it.
Adrian Sandu shares some myths and facts about HTML replaced elements and how browsers treat them according to the specifications.
Giulio Mainardi shows you how to build a 3D rotating carousel using CSS 3D transforms, with some nifty math tricks and some JavaScript to enhance.
Kalpesh Singh uses Flexbox features to build a mega drop-down navigation menu, a well known design feature that many incorporate into large websites.
Adrian Roworth recently built a pure CSS crossword puzzle using form elements and new Grid Layout features. In this tutorial, he explains the key concepts.
Zack Wallace goes through how to set up Vagrant, the popular virtual machine software, on a Windows machine.
Louis Lazaris presents another collection of websites, GitHub docs, and other learning resources for front-end developers.
There seems to be some confusion in the industry over what constitutes a "CSS hack". Louis Lazaris explains what are hacks and how they're used in CSS.
Hugo has been working on creating a simple and automated workflow for dealing with creating accessible icons using SVG. He shares it in this post.
PostCSS and Gulp have both become popular front-end tools. Nitish takes a look at how you can use both tools together as part of your automated workflow.
George shows you how to use jQuery and CSS keyframe animations to build an animated list filtering component.
Maria gives a nice overview of the features of Google's Material Design Lite framework and how you can use it in one of your new projects.
Hugo speaks from experience and gives us his personal suggestions on how to deal with a messy codebase, whether it's our own old project or something inherited.
Baljeet Rathi introduces the different properties that make up the CSS Multi-column layout module, and how they can be used in responsive designs.
You may have run into the problem of the "jump" effect when adding bold to hover states on text links. George looks at a few ways to solve this issue.
Julian provides an in-depth look at a lesser-known, but no less powerful, feature of the new Foundation 6: the command line tools to ease development.
Jade is an HTML preprocessor with lots of great features to speed up writing HTML. Sanjay walks through the basics along with a few advanced tricks.
In this third article discussing new features in Foundation 6, Simon covers the brand new Flex Grid system, a modern alternative to the legacy grid.