George's articles

George Martsoukos digs into the art of animating Bootstrap carousels with stylish-looking animations using GSAP — the GreenSock Animation Platform.

George customizes Bootstrap's carousel component, converting it to a full-screen Bootstrap Carousel slideshow and randomizing the first slide on page load.

George Martsoukos shows how to build a simple Flexbox and jQuery plugin which sorts elements based on the values of their custom data attributes.

George Martsoukos introduces MixItUp 3, a high-performance JavaScript library that allows you to animate filtering and sorting of page content.

George Martsoukos looks at Flexbox and how to use z-index and auto margins in your CSS layouts.
George shows you how to use jQuery and CSS keyframe animations to build an animated list filtering component.
You may have run into the problem of the "jump" effect when adding bold to hover states on text links. George looks at a few ways to solve this issue.
George takes a look at a few different techniques for building a mobile-first, responsive image grid using flexbox and calc().
George uses the checkbox hack and demonstrates how to create a show more/less component with CSS and no JavaScript.
Foundation 5 doesn't have a "mega menu" component. George uses some existing Foundation styles to create a responsive mega menu with just CSS.
George Martsoukos examines solutions, along with demos, for a number of different techniques for achieving responsive tables.
George, shows us 8 different features available with the Compass framework that shows it's more than a mixin library for vendor prefixes.
George shows us how we can use the power of Foundation and keep our HTML lean and semantic.
George goes through the operators that are available with Sass, what they do and how to use them.
Have you ever noticed the dynamic, fixed navigation on Bootstrap's documentation pages? George explains how to use the two plugins to make that work.
George looks at a simple, responsive solution to solve your framework needs: Skeleton, a CSS boilerplate with limited features.
George Martsoukos compares the grid systems of the two most popular CSS frameworks: Bootstrap and Foundation.
George Martsoukos shows us some of the basic functionality that's built into Compass to help make CSS sprites that much easier and quicker.
George Martsoukos introduces icon fonts, talking about pros and cons, and then shows some examples using some popular choices.
George Martsoukos provides an introduction to creating scroll-based animations and effects using jQuery.