Need to authenticate requests to a server? Learn what JWTs are and how to use them to authenticate your users via API calls.
Need to authenticate requests to a server? Learn what JWTs are and how to use them to authenticate your users via API calls.
Ado Kukic shows how to build an Angular application and add login functionality using token-based authentication with Auth0.
Jeremy Wilken walks through how to build a basic Twitter client with NodeJS, and an Angular application to display your home timeline of tweets.
This article shows how Passport is used to add Facebook and GitHub authentication to a Node.js application.
Implementing social logins is making your head explode? Oauth to complex? No more! With Socialite, it's done in 30 minutes, for ANY social service.
Claudio explores the Reddit API - from searching to authenticating with Oauth and downloading user data. Come tame this powerful beast!
Wern builds a fully custom calendar application using the Google Calendar API and the Laravel framework - check it out!
Memi Allamani takes you through a crash course of implementing a merged Google+ / Facebook login with Oauth.io
Wern shows us how to use Laravel and Guzzle to build our own full Dropbox client with the Dropbox API!
Chris makes his cheap Fitbit vibrate on new Twitter DMs - emulated pager AND a silent wake-up alarm? WIN!
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski gets a bit more advanced with Doorkeeper, securing the OAuth clients, creating a custom strategy, and customizing the views.
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski continues the journey through Rails authentication and authorization options with this tutorial on how to get started with Doorkeeper.
Wern Ancheta takes a look at the Instagram API, and uses both Guzzle and a PHP client to access it - tune in and build your own Instagram app!
Bruno implements WP-API and OAuth into a WordPress installation, allowing other outside apps to hook into WP and use API calls to make posts!
Agbonghama explores a PHP package used for adding social logins to your PHP application. Log your users in with FB, Google, Github, etc!
Younes Rafied further explores 500px's API and implements upvoting, favoriting, commenting and uploading of new photos into the app he built last time!
Younes Rafie shows you how to implement 500px API into your Laravel application, adding popular photos, filters and users' profiles to it.
In this tutorial we'll cover OAuth, how Twitter uses it for authorizing HTTP requests to its API, and build a PHP class powered by the WordPress HTTP API.
This article explains how to set up OAuth authentication using Hapi, a Node.js server framework.
Bruno Skvorc will show you how to export Trello lists in TXT and JSON with a newly added context menu via a Chrome extension.
Bruno Skvorc takes you through the step by step process of building a Chrome extension for Trello - in this part, bootstrap and build authentication!
Francesco Malatesta shows us how we can implement user log-in via OAuth through PayPal's services, drastically improving our ecommerce apps' UX
Francesco Malatesta implements a sample application with Coinbase's API for receiving Bitcoin
Francesco shows you how to use the basic functions of Coinbase's Bitcoin PHP API SDK
A tutorial on how you can use OAuth to authenticate Guzzle with Twitter and make it into a Twitter client - uses Guzzle's own Oauth adapter
After logging in with social networks, all that's left is merging accounts - and that's what Peter does in this part: merge the Google+ account with another
Rakhitha Nimesh explains how you can build a hashtag contest in PHP with Twitter's API