Emre Guneyler

Emre Guneyler is a CS student in Turkey. He is passionate about web and game development. Besides programming he enjoys chess, poker, and Call of Duty 4.
Emre's articles
In this article, Emre Guneyler shows how to build a simple chat application using SignalR, an open source library for ASP.NET developers.
Emre introduces you to reactive programming by using Bacon.js to create a simplified version of the Pacman game.
This article demonstrates how the Sokoban game can be created using the Polymer library.
Emre Guneyler describes how RequireJS, a dependency management library, can be used to build a library using AMD modules and an application to use the library.
This article shows how Socket.IO can be used to create a simple chat application.
This article teaches readers how to integrate Backbone with EaselJS to implement a simple drag and drop enabled application.