In this quick tip on PHP error reporting, we review the tools in PHP for handling errors in a controlled way to save hours of debugging.
Tag: debugging
console.log() is a great tool, but your browser's developer tools can do so much more. Learn how to take your coding and debugging to the next level.
Craig Buckler presents a series of tips, tricks, techniques and tools for debugging a Node.js application.
Said Hayani explores the most commonly used debugging tools in the React Native ecosystem, starting with the Developer Menu.
In this series on troubleshooting and optimizing your CSS, Tiffany Brown delves into the browser-based developer tools for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, covering the styles panel, cascade and inheritance problems, spotting invalid properties and values, and debugging responsive layouts.
In this series on troubleshooting and optimizing your CSS, Tiffany Brown introduces UnCSS and stylelint, two code-quality tools for analyzing the quality of your CSS.
Mislav Javor explores the Solidity debugger bundled with the Truffle Suite.
Ahmed Bouchefra shows how to use Truffle and OpenZeppelin to build a simple token, then used truffle-flattener to flatten the custom contract and Remix IDE to start debugging the contract for errors.
Michael shows how to ditch console.log() and start debugging JavaScript like a pro, using the debugging tools in VS Code and the Chrome Debugger extension.
Ilya introduces the Augury profiler and debugger for Angular 2+ apps, covering component tree, injection graph, breakpoints, routing debugging and more.
Let's take a fresh look at Xdebug, the de-facto PHP debugger, which turned an epic 15 years old this month. A quick look at some tricks, tips, and features!
Steve Kinney introduces some tips & tricks for debugging Electron applications and shows how you can use Visual Code to set breakpoints in the main process.
Ahmed Khan gives us a brief overview of the new exception and error classes in PHP 7, and how they can impact your future, current, and past code!
Load Nagati shows you 11 powerful ways to debug WordPress and PHP errors starting with the famous WP_Debug, and then covering some more advanced methods.
Craig Buckler takes a look at Rollbar, a service that helps development teams debug faster.
David Bush shows you some basic and advanced techniques with Byebug, the definitive debugger for Ruby 2.0.
Thomas dives back into contributing to PHP's core - after covering documentation fixes last time, this time he fixes an actual bug in PHP. Learn how!
Panayiotis Velisarakos looks at two services that provide remote debugging for front-end code on various devices — Weinre and Valence.
Younes introduces Bugsnag, an excellent professional error monitoring, reporting and parsing tool, and implements it into an old Laravel app.
In this tutorial Ritesh Kumar shows how the network intercepting feature of Service Workers works, making a website that runs even when the user is offline.
Here's a look at Yahoo's MySQL performance analyzer - we go through its options, from graphs to alerts. It's getting ever easier to speed up your DBs!
Younes Rafie re-introduces Monolog, the PSR-3 logging package for PHP which allows you to log messages from your app to files, Slack channels, and much more
Microsoft's David Catuhe introduces vorlon.js, and explains how it can help with remote JavaScript debugging
In this article, we will talk about VarDump. Symfony VarDumper is a component designed to replace your var_dumps, It’s the var_dump you’ve always wanted.
Miguel Romero demonstrates interactive debugging with PsySH - a REPL for PHP you can embed in your apps!
UserSnap is a JS widget your clients can use to send you detailed bug reports. See how you can send PHP errors to it and improve those reports.
Arno Slatius tells us about the four features that make PhpED the right IDE for him
How do you track down a transient segfault in a system like Varnish? Join us down the rabbit hole
Russ Weakly shows an easy way for beginners to debug their CSS in the browser.
Matthew Setter introduces MailCatcher, the simple SMTP server designed to catch all emails going out of your app