This tutorial explains how to use the git merge command to integrate independent lines of code into a single branch.
Tag: git
Git has a lot of power under the hood. Learn about submodules in Git, including what they are, how they work, and why they're so useful.
No matter how good you are with Git, it's a question of when, not if, you'll mess up. Learn five powerful ways to undo mistakes with Git.
Even if you're a Git pro, there might be more Git tricks to discover. Learn about interactive rebase, one of Git's most powerful tools.
tickgit is a command-line tool and web application helping developers do project management in their code via TODO comments and other plain-text markers.
Have you been using Git for some time, but never in a team environment? We cover the Git techniques that you must be familiar with before you join a team.
How compatible are git and wordpress? Let's see how easy it is to make WordPress posts auto-update based on PR submissions on the Github repository!
Are you planning to build an ecommerce site with Magento and Git together in order to implement version control? Here are a few tips before you get started!
You WordPress site should be version controlled! Take a look at using Git with WordPress, try out VersionPress, or investigate your host's Git options.
Crazy? Maybe! Claudio goes through setting up PHP, Git, and Composer on an Android device. Not only that, but he also deploys Laravel and SQLite!
Learn the basics of Git with this space themed tutorial.
Learn how to use pull requests for code review with Git by adding an inspirational quote to a teammate's repository.
Camilo Reyes shows how to write robust, testable code using SOLID principles by building a small but functional microblog with only minimal dependencies
Viraj demonstrates the full process of writing custom code for deploying different commits of your app to an SFTP server using Git and PhpSecLib
Itiel introduces us to a powerful Ruby package - Wordmove, which offers a very fast and easy automated WordPress website deployment.
Adam Bard shows how to get small, low-traffic projects up and running with Dokku on DigitalOcean, creating a Heroku-like experience without the cost.
Read Jump Start Git: Branching in Git and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.
SVG is powerful, but finding a place to put your image is harder than it should be. Here's a scalable, reliable, free SVG image hosting method.
Jérémy Heleine walks through setting up a Raspberry Pi as a remote Git server that can share repositories with other computers.
Chris Ward provides tips on making Git and GitHub projects fit better into developer workflow—from running tests to deploying your code to a server.
Shaumik examines ways to manage huge repositories with Git, including shallow cloning, cloning a single branch, using submodules and third-party extensions.
Matthew Setter take a look at Static Review - a framework for writing git hooks, so you can do hook inspections on your files on certain git actions!
Chris Ward introduces Git LFS, an open-source Git extension by GitHub that provides a versioning solution for large files in Git.
Revisr is a WordPress plugin that provides you with version control features within WordPress. In this article, we cover the basics of how to use Revisr.
Aleksander Koko introduces Pagoda Box - a PaaS just for PHP applications, much simpler to use than Heroku and also with free tiers.
You might not be familiar with Heroku's robust deployment workflow. Dennis Gaebel shows us how to use Gulp, Git, and Node to deploy a project to Heroku.
Shaumik Daityari explains how to write unit test to automate the process of debugging a codebase in Git.
James Dow shows you how you can set up your deployment workflow with Laravel and Git. Deploy your site to production with a single bookmark click!
There's no shortage of new things to learn in the web development world. Shaumik Daityari presents some of the best skills you can learn in a weekend
Shaumik shows us, step by step, how to debug a code problem using git blame and git bisect.