Matthew's articles
Matthew Setter takes an introductory look at atoum - an alternative to PHPUnit with an interesting twist
Matthew Setter take a look at Static Review - a framework for writing git hooks, so you can do hook inspections on your files on certain git actions!
Matthew Setter explains how he sets up his Mac OS X development machine, from text editors like Sublime Text, to version control tools like SourceTree
Matthew Setter shows us how to make responsive website testing a breeze with two Chrome-based tools.
Matthew Setter considers the security implications of transferring files over FTP - a common practice among developers, and how the process can be improved.
Matthew Setter discusses the best approach to working with other people's code, an often fraught task for developers.
Matthew Setter explains the basics of LDAP and how you can use it with PHP to store structured contact data
Online networking can only take you so far, sometimes you need to press the flesh in person. Matthew Setter has some advice for devs wanting to network IRL.
Matthew Setter covers Arrays, Slices and Basic OOP in Go. They're different from what you're used to in dynamic languages, but very powerful.
Learn to use Phalcon to start your PHP application.
Matthew Setter wraps up his Beego series with part 2 of an in-depth tutorial on building web apps in Go, Google's server-side language.
Matthew Setter introduces Beego - a web application framework for the Go language. Learn how to get started building web apps in Go.
Matthew Setter introduces MailCatcher, the simple SMTP server designed to catch all emails going out of your app
Matthew Setter talks Unit Testing with GuzzlePHP - mocking responses and enqueuing requests in a spawned NodeJS server
Matthew Setter wraps up the interview series by interviewing Bruno Skvorc, and adding in Gary Hocken's answers too.
Matthew Setter introduces Golang (or Go), the impressive programming language from Google
Matthew Setter interviews Tom Oren and Rob Allen on whether great apps can be built in PHP, and their approaches to doing so
Matthew Setter lays the foundations for a series of interviews with companies which use PHP in production on high capacity projects
Matthew Setter covers Composer Cheatsheet - a tool specifically designed to give you the summary of all the awesomeness Composer provides
Learn more about PuPHPet, an online GUI to quickly build PHP enabled virtual machines
Learn how to build and use virtual machines in minutes, with PuPHPet
Learn to use git hooks to set up automatic deployment for your PHP applications
Read Inattention Blindness - Maybe Users Really Don't See and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.
You've been staring at code for hours when a coworker comes over and finds the problem instantly. Inattention blindness was most likely at play.
This is the last part of OXID eSales. We’re going to get some experience with OXID by writing a custom module to extend its core functionality.
This is the second part of OXID eSales. We're going to learn how themes work in OXID and how we can write new ones by extending its default theme.
In this 3 part tutorial, You’ll learn the introduction to OXID; and you’ll see how to get up and running with a basic installation of OXID.
Here's some of the advanced Git topics that you may or may not come across as a part of your normal development workflow.
In a recent announcement on their company mailing list, it was announced that PHPFog will be discontinued by the end of January, 2013. But don't panic!
Thoughts on cloud security and questions you should answer as an organization