Chris's articles
Chris Ward looks at the effect blockchain can have on one of the more fundamental parts of the traditional computing space, data storage — covering BigchainDB and other blockchain-based databases.
How do we support this ever-increasing array of devices? The answer is responsive web design, which allows websites to adapt to screens of all sizes.
This article outlines how to create a basic media query, utilizing logical operators and media features to target any type of device
Chris Ward looks beyond developing for Google Play and Apple's App Store to enterprise app stores, and their opportunities for better returns and support.
Chris Ward looks at Electron, an application framework for building desktop Node apps using HTML5 and JavaScript that work on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Chris Ward looks at the Swift Package Manager, an early-days dependency management utility for Swift.
Chris Ward looks at BigchainDB and how it uses the Blockchain in a new and innovative way — for data storage!
Chris Ward loves Swift, and in this article looks at it's past, present and future to see what's possible and what's coming.
One data source, unlimited endpoints – that's the dream. Porky proposes to convert your online content to 'InDesign'. It might be possible but is it good?
Chris Ward provides tips on making Git and GitHub projects fit better into developer workflow—from running tests to deploying your code to a server.
Chris Ward looks at the Blink(1) a curious programmable USB indicator light that is highly customizable to suit all needs a developer may have.
Chris Ward looks at Perfect, a new project that promises full stack Swift by introducing the language to server side programming.
Chris Ward looks at the possibilities for Native iOS and Android programming with Go and wonders if the language is a viable alternative.
Chris Ward demonstrates how to generate PDF files from Markdown files using Pandoc, LaTeX and PDFJam.
Chris Ward introduces Estonia's e-Residency Program, which provides a way to register a business abroad and acquire a secure, digital identity.
Chris Ward introduces Git LFS, an open-source Git extension by GitHub that provides a versioning solution for large files in Git.
Chris Ward has some experience in effective PDF generation with Drupal - if you've got similar requirements, you might find his advice useful.
Ever wanted to add CRM functionality to your Drupal app? Here are 7 of the sanest options to do so, as compiled by Chris Ward.