Tag: WordPress-hub

Three Ways to Create Your Own WordPress Theme
Three Ways to Create Your Own WordPress Theme

By Sufyan bin Uzayr,

Sufyan bin Uzayr provides a bird's-eye view of three basic ways to approach building your own WordPress theme, covering child themes, adapting existing themes, and building a theme from scratch, as well as how to use basic starter themes and theme frameworks to speed up your workflow.

Building a WordPress Plugin with Vue
Building a WordPress Plugin with Vue

By Ahmed Bouchefra,

Ahmed Bouchefra shows how to create a WordPress plugin that makes use of the Vue.js library, creating a shortcode that can be used to display a Vue component in posts and pages that fetches and displays the latest posts every five seconds.

Using WordPress as a Headless CMS
Using WordPress as a Headless CMS

Sufyan bin Uzayr explains what a headless CMS is and why you might want to use one, and then goes on to explain how wordPress itself can be used as a headless CMS, showing ways to get started with WordPress as a headless CMS, including installation tips and tricks.

Building a Non-blog Site with WordPress
Building a Non-blog Site with WordPress

Sufyan bin Uzayr digs into how you can use WordPress to run a regular, non-blog website, covering the steps required to disable blog-specific functionality, how to choose the right kind of theme, plugins for non-blog sites, and issues related to content management issues on non-blog WordPress sites.

Improving Native WordPress Search
Improving Native WordPress Search

By Janna Hilferty,

Janna Hilferty looks into why WordPress search often doesn’t perform well, explaining why the default WordPress search doesn’t scale and some ways to make it better, covering Algolia, Elasticsearch, Relevanssi, SearchWP and Amazon CloudSearch.

A Guide to Caching in WordPress
A Guide to Caching in WordPress

If your WordPress site isn't performing well, one of the improvements to consider is to implement caching. In this post, Shaumik Daityari takes you beyond the layman's understanding of caching, explaining how to implement it in a website to improve WordPress site performance.

Lazy Loading for WordPress: How to Add It to Your Website
Lazy Loading for WordPress: How to Add It to Your Website

By Nick Schäferhoff,

Lazy load is another tool in your toolbox to improve page loading speed. The technique decreases page weight and HTTP requests, allowing visitors to see their desired page more quickly. Nick Schäferhoff explains how lazy loading works, lists tools you can use to set it up, and explains what you can use it for.

Getting Ahead of Gutenberg
Getting Ahead of Gutenberg

By Janna Hilferty,

One of the biggest changes to WordPress ever is coming soon. Are you ready? How can you prepare? Why is WordPress making this change anyway? These questions and many more have been flying around the WordPress space for nearly a year since the new Gutenberg editor was announced by Matt Mullenweg.