Deji Akala shows us that it's possible to have single-file Symfony apps - with the help of a new 2.8/3.0 feature: the MicroKernelTrait!
Tag: php framework
Younes Rafie goes through the quick process of extending Laravel's mail driver so that emails can easily be logged into the database
Deji Akala talks about the PHP-FIG, informing us of the current situation it finds itself in, and shedding some light on the "why" of it all.
Laravel has the option to bind models to routes, for easy auto-fetching. See how they can be configured, and how to switch to UUID instead of primary keys!
Wern Ancheta shows you how to build a Pokemon spawn location recorder app with CouchDB and the Slim Framework, wrapping it up in good security practices!
Phalcon is back - and in style! It can now run on PHP 7, and is written completely in Zephir. Easy extension development AND perfect performance!
Wern Ancheta builds a brand new Google Drive admin UI with Laravel!
This sourcehunt features a PHP-7 only alternative to Laravel, input validation, HPKP, strict PHP object signatures, and more.
Francesco introduces Laravel Doctrine, and builds a sample app with it - come learn about this powerful ORM + Framework mix!
In this tutorial, we’re going to take a look at the Marvel API, a tool provided by Marvel for developers to get access to the 70-plus years of Marvel comics data.
Chris Pitt goes from zero to hero in a post detailing the process of building an actual business app from scratch with Laravel Spark!
Wern Ancheta builds a Hacker News reader with a local cache from nothing with the Lumen microframework!
Francesco builds an AngularJS app to consume a previously built Laravel API application for making book wishlists. JSON web token authentication in action!
Francesco builds an entire API-only application with the Laravel API Boilerplate project (JWT edition) for creating and editing book wishlists!
Younes writes an entire Notejam app from scratch in this in-depth tutorial and analysis of the high-speed Blink framework
Danny introduces Guard, a new Symfony 3 component for easier authentication
Andrew Cairns explains the Aggregate pattern and implements it on top of Laravel's Eloquent. Feeling the pro thirst? Give this advanced tutorial a go!
Wern continues where he left off in the last part, and implements liking, watchlisting and uploading of videos into his Slim application!
Wern goes through the process of building a sample video search application consuming Vimeo's API, using the Slim framework. Don't change the channel!
M. Reza explains how Laravel's facades work and shows you how to reimplement them in any non-Laravel project! Facades in Silex? Yes please!
Taylor Ren takes a look at Nette Framework, the 3rd most popular framework from our recent survey. Come see what's special about it - and what isn't!
Parham Doustdar builds a leaderboard app with Silex and Github's API in which you can easily find out the most popular users of a language in a region
Younes Rafie explores Github's Public Event data through Google BigQuery, and builds a demo PHP app around it for checking project popularity. Check it out!
Laravel 5.1 is here! Chris explains what event broadcasting is and demonstrates how to use it to build a real-time Laravel 5.1 app with Pusher!
Jamie Shields dives into effective pagination techniques with jQuery and Ajax in PHP using the Silex framework for the sake of simplicity
Nick Salloum adds CRUD functionality to a previously bootstrapped Laravel application. See how simple it is to get going with real life projects!
Nick Salloum bootstraps a new Laravel CRUD project in this tutorial, laying the foundation for the next part in which CRUD features get added.
The survey is complete and the data has been crunched - which framework is the most popular PHP framework of 2015? Tune in to find out.
Matthew Beaumont lists seven great reasons to consider the newly released Yii 2 for your next project's framework
Comparing WordPress to functionality other frameworks today provide. When put side by side as far as features go, can it stack up?