Claudio re-introduces you to Twig - the most popular stand-alone (not enslaved to a framework) template engine for PHP. Come see how easy to use it is!
Claudio re-introduces you to Twig - the most popular stand-alone (not enslaved to a framework) template engine for PHP. Come see how easy to use it is!
Wern Ancheta develops a product search API for Amazon products with Amazon Products Advertisement API
Wern shows us how easy it is to get stared with developing Shopify powered PHP apps with Guzzle and Shopify's HTTP API.
Wern Ancheta shows us how to install, use, customize, and deploy a static site blog generated with Sculpin - a PHP static site generator!
A couple of helper methods for quickly and effectively passing larger numbers of variables to views from your controllers
There are many approaches to internationalizing an app. Here's one using Gettext, Twig, and a solid application skeleton for a demo!
Ivaylo Gerchev introduces Grav, an open-source, flat-file CMS powered by PHP, Twig, YAML and Markdown.
Ryan Irelan introduces Craft, a flexible, database-driven, design-friendly CMS providing an elegant and simple authoring experience for clients.
OCR in PHP is possible! Lukas White builds a simple Silex app into which a user can upload an image, and get the text from image accurately extracted.
Bruno Skvorc uses Twig, Bootstrap and Diffbot's PHP client to build a search engine app for Diffbot-powered harvested data collections
Taylor Ren shows you how easy it is to build a custom Symfony2 Twig filter, all while using PHPUnit to respect TDD practices.
Nick goes in depth with Bolt CMS, implementing custom content types along with their pagination and single record views. You won't believe how easy it is!
Jacek Barecki explores Memio, a library one can use to generate PHP code programmatically. It uses Twig templates and an OOP interface to make things easy!
Nick Salloum takes a look at BoltCMS - a new player in the CMS game - and uses it to build a sample small business website. See how!
Younes Rafie explains what Laravel contracts are all about and uses them to implement a Twig engine into Laravel
In this article, we'll talk about another part of SOLR which warrants its own discussion;Geospatial search. In geospatial applications we often talk about “points”; i.e., a specific geographical location.