After setting up and organizing files for a Symfony Flex project, Zoran populates the database with data to test application performance.
Tag: symfony
Zoran covers the basics of setting up and organizing files for a Symfony Flex project, including tips, tricks and helper scripts to speed up development.
Symfony Flex is a new package manager exclusively for Symfony 3.3 and above, sporting a new directory structure and smoother workflow. Come see!
Tobias introduces us to the Neo4j bundle for Symfony. Dive into the mysterious (and mysteriously efficient) world that is graph databases with this tool!
Claudio re-introduces you to Twig - the most popular stand-alone (not enslaved to a framework) template engine for PHP. Come see how easy to use it is!
In this Sulu CMS bootcamp post, we go through the full process of setting up a brand new multi-language online magazine site like SitePoint (+ languages!).
Sulu CMS: a CMS for the next generation. Based on the newest Symfony with all the bells and whistles, it takes a bit of getting used to. Allow me to help!
Zoran uses Siege to benchmark and load-test a Symfony app, killing it in the process. He then uses cache to revive it and make it work under pressure!
Claudio re-introduces you to Symfony Console - the command-line solution for all your PHP needs away from the browser. Let's build some terminal apps!
We focus on Behat now to further extend Sylius in true TDD fashion. We write stories, we test against them, and then we develop features to make them pass!
Deji extends the core of Sylius by adding some back end features via true TDD: writing PhpSpec tests first, seeing that they fail, and then making them pass
Vlad considers the current state of PHP frameworks in 2017 - where are we? Where can we go from here? Which ones have the highest potential?
We look at Sylius - a fully tested and super-robuts e-commerce platform/framework, and use it to learn some proper Test Driven Development!
Deji Akala shows us that it's possible to have single-file Symfony apps - with the help of a new 2.8/3.0 feature: the MicroKernelTrait!
Andrew explains how to perform database-related tests in a Symfony app much faster - with a disposable in-memory SQLite database, avoiding any bulky mocks
We build a basic framework with a new dependency injection container called Disco, explaining all the confusing concepts along the way. Join us!
In this tutorial, we go through some effective performance hacks for developing Symfony apps on Vagrant virtual machines
Danny teaches you how to build Doctrine-style PHP annotations for your own custom projects!
Scott revisits Appserver and benchmarks it against Symfony to dispel the rumors of bas performance. Does he succeed? Tune in to find out!
Danny introduces Guard, a new Symfony 3 component for easier authentication
Shameer quickly explains the gargantuan user management plugin for Symfony2: FOSUserBundle. Learn how to register, log in, and more!
Danny explains the Symfony-powered request-response flow in Drupal, showing you exactly what goes on under the hood when your app is run
Taylor Ren shows you how easy it is to build a custom Symfony2 Twig filter, all while using PHPUnit to respect TDD practices.
Nick Salloum takes a look at BoltCMS - a new player in the CMS game - and uses it to build a sample small business website. See how!
The survey is complete and the data has been crunched - which framework is the most popular PHP framework of 2015? Tune in to find out.
Danny Sipos explores UserApp - a user management and authentication web service letting you add logins easily to any app - by implementing it into Symfony2
Younes Rafie explains what Laravel contracts are all about and uses them to implement a Twig engine into Laravel
Rafie Younes introduces Silex, the microframework from Sensiolabs, the makers of Symfony. What is it good for? Is it better than Symfony? Find out!
In this article, we will talk about VarDump. Symfony VarDumper is a component designed to replace your var_dumps, It’s the var_dump you’ve always wanted.
Nicolas Scolari demonstrates a well known Traits example on Doctrine entities, showing you they're nothing to be afraid of.