In this article Hugo Giraudel shows us three options for creating and dealing with constants in Sass
Tag: sass
Kitty Giraudel explains how we can create a mixin in Sass to assist in debugging Sass maps and generating the CSS to check through.
James Steinbach walk us through a complex Sass mixin that will generate CSS that scales across media query breakpoints to ease development.
James Steinbach takes a look at using Sass Maps and functions to help with managing CSS color values, with a demo you can try out.
Kitty Giraudel with a detailed tutorial on creating a step wizard, commonly found in e-commerce, using BEM and Sass techniques.
Hugo considers different use cases for selector nesting in Sass while also looking at ways it shouldn't be used and the problems it brings.
In this article we cover the many benefits of Sass for WordPress developers. Sass allows us to write maintainable, scalable code with logic and variables.
Hugo shows us how he's built a better function to validate length values in Sass, taking a number of different circumstances into consideration.
Reginald Dawson has some go-to mixins that he's uncovered in Bootstrap's Sass port. Here he describes 5 of them and how they can be used in your Bootstrap projects.
Zell Liew looks at the grid system in Bootstrap and describes what he thinks is a superior grid framework: Susy.
Vinay Raghu looks at some different ways to structure your Sass projects, including a look at the architecture of some well-known projects.
James Steinbach walks through a Sass-based method for creating a custom type scale with vertical rhythm, utilizing a number of Sass features along the way.
Cathy Dutton with a rundown of 8 tips to help you improve the workflow and maintenance of your Sass-based projects.
M. David Green gives a brief introduction to getting up and running with Sass and Bourbon via the command line, along with a look at old and new Sass syntax.
With some inspiration from other articles on the same topic, Hugo presents his own Sass solution for managing hard-to-maintain z-index values in CSS.
An introduction to Sass maps along with a number of use cases so you can see how beneficial they are in making your code more compact.
A look at the pros and cons and the various features of using Compass vs. Bourbon, the two Sass frameworks.
Hugo offers an elegant way to deal with breakpoints in responsive web design, using Sass.
Kitty shows us a custom mixin for creating CSS triangles. She also uses a few utility mixins from a previous article to get the job done.
Many of our projects include tons of repeated code. These mixins provide some help in this regard.
Hugo's round-up and analysis of a number of cool Sass tools to make your CSS and Sass development easier.
Sass mixins, when reused in a single project, will not combine duplicate rule sets. This article creates a solution to that problem using Sass maps.
Sass doesn't allow you to @extend a placeholder inside a media query from another scope. Here is a complex, but easy to use solution.
Kitty uses Sass to create a reusable function to mimic a technique where a border is given multiple colors.
Hugo Giraudel gives some suggestions on how to keep CSS and Sass code more maintainable.
Bootstrap is a great tool but it produces awful code that is difficult to read and maintain. We'll use Sass to make Bootstrap classes easier to maintain.
Many websites have styles set up as color modules. This articles considers how Sass can be used to make color schemes DRY and modular.
Some suggestions for organizing modules in a Sass project for easier development and maintainability. Helpful for those working on a team or on their own.
A quick video introduction to three of the most popular preprocessors: Sass, Haml, and CoffeeScript.
This post demonstrates how we can build a modular, reusable, DRY Sass component using a number of different Sass features.