Making Use of Sass’ Zip() Function

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Sass alleviates the need to write repetitive code when it comes to our stylesheets, but you knew that already or else you wouldn’t be reading this far. I want to show you a nice, savvy way to write shorthand properties without the need to remember the order of values for CSS like animation and font.

Before You Begin : Since I’m using Sass maps it might be a good idea to get comfortable with them. It just so happens there are at least two great articles.

Never Memorize What You Can Look Up In A Book

The title you just read is a famous quote from Albert Einstein -and a good one at that. My best guess is that I’m not the only developer in the world asking themselves “Now…does direction come after fill-mode? or is it the other way around?”

The setup that follows might not be for everyone, but I want you to take note of the approach. You could change this to work any way you want. Remember … the sky’s the limit.


@function sh-setup($config) {
  @return zip(map-values($config)...);

$animation_config: (
  name: none,
  duration: 0s,
  timing: ease,
  delay: 0s,
  iteration: 1, // infinite
  direction: normal, // reverse, alternate, alternate-reverse
  fill-mode: none, // forwards, backwards, both
  play-state: running

.object {
  animation: sh-setup($animation_config);


.object {
  animation: none 0s ease 0s 1 normal none running;

What Happened?

Our sh-setup() function takes an argument called config that passes it’s value to map-values() and the result is finally passed to the zip() function. This function takes a comma separated list returned by map-values() and converts that list into a space separated string! Whoa! Daaaaaannnnnggggg!!!

So…that’s cool and all, but why the three full stops (or ellipsis) at the end of map-values()? Well, the ellipsis says to map-values() “allow multiple values that are comma separated to be passed.” For example, when we strip away zip() from the equation we’ll end up with the following string returned.

none, 0s, ease, 0s, 1, normal, none, running

If we didn’t add ... Sass would output our shorthand incorrectly because zip() can’t accept our multiple comma separated values. It sees the output above as one single string. The ... helps tell Sass to accept an unknown number of arguments in order to strip away the commas. We the developers have to tell Sass it’s alright to split the string into separate cases so we end up with:

none 0s ease 0s 1 normal none running

Going Further

Now that we’ve done it with animation let’s try that same approach with the font shorthand. The font property takes values for it’s shorthand in a very specific order otherwise the entire statement fails. If you don’t recall the order (ha-ha, who does) then let me refresh your memory:

  • font-style
  • font-variant
  • font-weight
  • font-size
  • line-height
  • font-family

Now let’s set this up to work the way we want. Take note we’re not touching our sh-setup() function one bit and instead we’re working around it.

@function sh-setup($config) {
  @return zip(map-values($config)...);

$fonts: "'Proxima Nova', Arial, sans-serif";

$font_config: (
  font-style: normal,
  font-variant: normal,
  font-weight: normal,
  font-measurements: 100%/1.5,
  font-family: unquote($fonts)

body {
  font: sh-setup($font_config);


font: normal normal normal 100%/1.5 'Proxima Nova', Arial, sans-serif;

I placed font-size and line-height into one variable in order to avoid over complication since we need the / to come in-between the font-size and line height value. The unquote() function is the magic that allows us to output multiple fonts for the font-family property. This function helps preserve the single quotes recommended by the W3C for font family names containing whitespace to avoid mistakes in escaping. We also maintain commas for multiple font-family names.

Another way we could do the previous approach is defining another map to hold our font-families, and still use the same function we’ve been using all along.

@function sh-setup($config) {
  @return zip(map-values($config)...);

$fonts: (
  primary-font: "'Proxima Nova'", // font family names containing whitespace write like this"'Font Name'"
  font-fallback1: Helvetica,
  font-fallback2: Arial,
  font-failure: sans-serif

$font_config: (
  font-style: normal,
  font-variant: normal,
  font-weight: normal,
  font-measurements: 100%/1.5,
  font-family: unquote(#{map-values($fonts)})

body {
  font: sh-setup($font_config);

I like the readability in this case and I know exactly what font is intended for display in terms of priorities. The downside is that I had to interpolate map-values() within unquote() making this a bit more complicated for the sake of readability.

Parting Thoughts

Now that we’ve seen these use cases with the animation and font shorthand, where else do you think we could use something like zip()? Could it be used for the background shorthand? How about the grid syntax? It’s really up to you to decide the approach. I hope I’ve inspired you at the very least to investigate other helper functions like zip() available to front-end developers that want to use Sass. As you venture into the unknown keep in mind “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” ~Einstein

Frequently Asked Questions about SASS Zip Function

What is the SASS zip function and how does it work?

The SASS zip function is a built-in function in SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets), a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The zip function combines multiple lists into a single multidimensional list. Each element of the resulting list is a list itself, containing the nth elements of each input list. This function is particularly useful when you need to work with multiple related lists in your stylesheets.

How do I use the SASS zip function in my code?

To use the SASS zip function, you need to pass the lists you want to combine as arguments to the function. Here’s a simple example:

$list1: 1 2 3;
$list2: a b c;
$result: zip($list1, $list2);

In this example, $result will be a list of lists: (1 a, 2 b, 3 c).

Can I use the SASS zip function with lists of different lengths?

Yes, you can use the SASS zip function with lists of different lengths. If the lists are not of the same length, the resulting list will be as long as the shortest input list. Any extra elements in longer lists will be ignored.

What is the difference between the SASS zip function and the map function?

While both the zip function and the map function in SASS can be used to work with multiple lists, they serve different purposes. The zip function combines multiple lists into a single multidimensional list, while the map function creates a map from pairs of keys and values.

Can I use the SASS zip function with more than two lists?

Yes, the SASS zip function can take any number of lists as arguments. Each element of the resulting list will be a list containing the nth elements of each input list.

How can I access the elements of the list created by the SASS zip function?

You can access the elements of the list created by the SASS zip function using the nth function. For example, nth($result, 1) will return the first element of the $result list.

Can I use the SASS zip function in a loop?

Yes, you can use the SASS zip function in a loop. This can be useful when you need to generate CSS rules for multiple related lists of values.

What is the return type of the SASS zip function?

The SASS zip function returns a list. Each element of the list is a list itself, containing the nth elements of each input list.

Can I use the SASS zip function with other SASS functions?

Yes, you can use the SASS zip function with other SASS functions. For example, you can use it with the nth function to access the elements of the list it returns.

What are some practical uses of the SASS zip function?

The SASS zip function can be used in a variety of scenarios where you need to work with multiple related lists. For example, you can use it to generate CSS rules for a series of elements with related properties, or to combine lists of keys and values into a map.

Dennis GaebelDennis Gaebel
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Design Technologist passionate for Open Source, SVG, Typography, Web Animation and Interaction Development.

CSS Shorthandsasssass functionssass mapsStuR
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