MySQL 5.7+ InnoDB databases and PostgreSQL 9.2+ support JSON document types in a single field. We explore the MySQL 8.0 JSON implementation in more detail.
MySQL 5.7+ InnoDB databases and PostgreSQL 9.2+ support JSON document types in a single field. We explore the MySQL 8.0 JSON implementation in more detail.
SQL knowledge is essential for anyone who works with data. In this article, we discuss what SQL is, its importance, and how to get started.
Learn the basics of MongoDB, the Mongo shell, popular drivers, common database operations and CRUD actions within the Mongo shell.
Ahmed Bouchefra introduces Sails.js, covering basic concepts and creating an API by generating models, adding attributes and generating controllers.
Craig Buckler shows you how to use RestDB to create a simple CMS.
NoSQL databases use denormalized data, so relational JOINs are impossible. Craig explains how MongoDB's new $lookup operator overcomes this restriction.
Jatin Shridar introduces PouchDB, an in-browser NoSQL, document database. Learn how to store your app data locally and later sync it with a server-side DB.
Wern Ancheta shows you how to build a Pokemon spawn location recorder app with CouchDB and the Slim Framework, wrapping it up in good security practices!
Wern Ancheta takes us through a practical crash course into using CouchDB - CRUD, configuration, cooperation with PHP, and more!
Are your MongoDB queries fast and effective regardless of database size? Craig discusses a number of options to consider when your NoSQL queries go quirky.
In the continuing SQL vs NoSQL debate, Craig discusses example project scenarios to determine which type of database offers the most benefit.
Are you puzzled by SQL and NoSQL? Are you unsure what to use in your next project? Craig discusses the primary differences in on handy summary.
There's no shortage of new things to learn in the web development world. Shaumik Daityari presents some of the best skills you can learn in a weekend
We look at Google App Engine's datastore which is a NoSQL object store in this second part of two part series.
In this database JSON example, we are going to look at a JSON file created using a generator that can be imported into a NoSQL database such as Mongo.