Founder of Storylens - A no-code website building platform based on JavaScript components.
Manjunath's articles

Learn the basics of MongoDB, the Mongo shell, popular drivers, common database operations and CRUD actions within the Mongo shell.

Manjunath M. shows how to combine Bootstrap with React, exploring tools for building a UI with Bootstrap’s look and feel in a React-powered web application.

Manjunath compares AngularJS and Angular 2+, covering differences and new features including AtScript, improved dependency injection and a brand new router.
Rake is a Make-inspired application written in Ruby and developed by Jim Weirich. Rake is a task management utility that can do just about anything.
Dynamic style-sheet languages, such as LESS and Sass, offer many additional features over CSS that mimic traditional programming constructs. Come join us and learn.
Read Deploying Rails with Phusion Passenger and Nginx in 5 minutes and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.