Jay is a Software Engineer and Writer. He blogs occasionally at Code Handbook and Tech Illumination.
Jay's articles

This article introduces Moment.js, a popular JavaScript library that is a Swiss Army knife for working with dates and times.

Jay Raj looks at authenticating users via OAuth with a Cordova and Ionic based app.

Jay Raj looks at CodePush, a tool from Microsoft that helps you push code updates to apps instantly.
Refactor your app to use Angular 1.5 components. Jay Raj shows you how to prepare your code for eventual migration to Angular 2.
Jay Ray shows how to use RethinkDB, an open source JSON database, with Node.js applications.
Jay Raj looks at using PouchDB and the Ionic framework to synchronize local app data with remote central databases.
Jay Raj investigates 3 options for creating mobile apps without writing a line of code.
JayRaj looks at building a Native App with JavaScript Using NativeScript a cross platform framework that offers to do things a little differently.
Jay Ray returns to teaching us about creating apps with the Ionic Framework, this time showing how it can help with location sharing features.
In the second part of his Ionic Framework tutorial, Jay Raj shows us how to add sign up functionality and the ability to add items to a user specific list.
Jay Ray looks at using the IONIC Framework to create a Bucket List application perfect for mobile usage.
Qt has been with us for some time, but it still offers a lot of easy options for cross platform app development. Jay Raj takes a look.
In this tutorial Jay Raj looks at how to run apps built for the Chrome browser on a mobile device with Cordova.
The options for hybrid mobile app development change on an almost weekly basis. Jay Ray shows us his favorite seven.
Build maintainable APIs with Ruby and Grape. This post walks through the basics of Grape, how to host a Grape API inside Rails, and more.
We look further into Onsen UI, with a tutorial on getting authentication into your Cordova App.
Jay Raj introduces to a new framework for cross platform mobile development… Yes, there's another one!
Mobile Angular UI is a new framework that combines AngularJS and Bootstrap to create an awesome method of creating mobile web apps.
It's tough to get started as a freelance developer. These 7 tips will help you develop a portfolio, build a network and get that first client.
In this tutorial, we'll discuss a lightweight JavaScript UI library called App.js to create mobile web apps without compromising performance or looks.
Stencyl is a platform for creating games without writing a line of code, providing a simple drag and drop interface that will get you creating ideas faster.
Jay Raj introduces the AniJS library walking through a simple tutorial to demonstrate how to add animations to a login/register page.
This article looks at the creation of line and bar charts using the D3.js visualization library.
Building a simple app with Ionic, an advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework for creating beautiful mobile applications using HTML5
This article introduces reveal.js, a library used to create presentations using HTML files.
This article describes what the MEAN software stack is, and shows how a simple MEAN application is created.
This article explores D3.js, a library used for manipulating documents based on data. This article teaches how to create bubble charts using D3.js.
This article shows how to work with HTML forms in AngularJS. The article uses a User Sign Up form as an example.
This article is part three in the series which combines AngularJS with the Google Charts API.
This article is the first in a series which shows how to integrate AngularJS with the Google Charts API.