Learn how to check if a variable is set in PHP, what its values are, and the differences between the isset, is_null, and empty methods.
Tag: variables
How does JavaScript's scoping system work? Learn the difference between local scope and global scope, and what hoisting is.
Aurelio introduces let and const, two new ES6 keywords for defining variables, showing examples of how they work and how they differ from the var keyword.
Naveen Karippai takes a close look at how JavaScript references work, how they differ from primitive values, and shows how to avoid some common gotchas.
Get a solid understanding of the language from first principles, as Tania Rascia explains the basics of JavaScript variables and datatypes.
Julian Motz examines how variables are declared in JavaScript, and introduces the three different types of declaration and their uses.
Kyle Pennell explains why the two new ES6 variable keywords, const and let, are helpful in giving block scoping.