Validate arguments and return values of methods and constructors with Bean Validation's ExecutableValidator and automate it with Java EE interceptors.
Tag: validation
Use Java Bean Validation's @Valid Annotation for validating entire object graphs with one method call.
Use the Java Bean Validation methods validateValue() and validateProperty() to independently check fields of a target class or even their potential values.
James Wright introduces test-driven development and walks through creating and refactoring a simple form validation library, step-by-step, as an example.
Eric Bahn explains how he and his sister validated Read Your Story's business model and grew this children's book startup enough to go full-time.
A hands-on guide to domain model validation with the Java Beans Validation standard (JSR 303) and Hibernate Validator (Apache BVal is very similar.)
The Combinator Pattern, well known in FP, combines primitives into complex structures. Gregor Trefs explores an implementation in Java 8.
Input validation is important in any application. In this brief look at Respect/Validation, Younes Rafie introduces a different, framework-agnostic package.
Chad Smith explains how he leveraged the power of Angular's directives to solve the knotty problem of managing multiple nested forms within a single view.
Francesco Malatesta introduces Ardent, a way to improve your Laravel models with auto-validation and auto-hydration
Amit Gupta wraps up his validation series by showing us how we can implement custom validations with Laravel, the right way
Amit Gupta explains data validation in Laravel and teaches you how to do it right - decoupled, abstracted and clean
Abbas Suterwala explains how we can build and validate multi-page forms in Drupal
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