Learn different approaches to data management, with examples of each approach and a roadmap of the modern data management landscape.
Tag: data
R is a programming language designed for data analysis and plotting. Learn the basic data types in R and the essentials of using RStudio.
Eric Greene of the Microsoft Developer Network teaches the fundamentals of working with data in React apps.
Wern Ancheta covers realtime app development with RethinkDB and React Native for automatic data updates pushed straight to users
Most apps will need to store data at some point. In this tutorial, Deivi Taka looks at managing data in iOS with SQLite, an easy and light storage option.
Stephen Altrogge looks at Segment, a service that consolidates all of your business analytics in one place.
Microsoft tech evangelists and engineers talk about using Internet-scale data to guide product planning.
Valdio Veliu looks at Realm.io, a promising replacement for storing app data that promises to streamline, speed up and simplify your development process.
Narayan Prusty looks at the plugins and APIs available for storing local data in a Cordova App and creates an application to demonstrate.
Kevin Zettler introduces you to Relay, a new framework for data fetching from Facebook meant to work seamlessly with React.
Abbas Suterwala shows how we can create shareable data stores amongst apps by creating a content provider in Android.
Infographics aren't just decorated data. As Kerry Butters shows, when well-executed they can change hearts, minds and even entire governments.
Content Providers in Android help you manage App Data through a central repository of data. Aldo Ziflaj demonstrates how to use them with a ToDo App.
Amit Gupta wraps up his validation series by showing us how we can implement custom validations with Laravel, the right way
Amit Gupta explains data validation in Laravel and teaches you how to do it right - decoupled, abstracted and clean
Learn how to use Doctrine's Data Fixtures in Symfony2 to provide your app with sample data
Read Which Metrics Should Your Web Business Track? and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.
In this article, the panel discuss topics such as Facebook’s Big Data, passive income for developers, and 3 Youtube spotlights!
Read Ajax and Web Service Data Formats Part 3: Custom Responses and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.
Read How to Process Large Volumes of Data in JavaScript and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.