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PHP - Laravel
Laravel vs CodeIgniter: A Comprehensive Comparison
Dianne Pena
Game Development with React and PHP: How Compatible Are They?
Christopher Pitt
What Are the New Features in Laravel 5.5?
Christopher Vundi
How to Add Real-Time Notifications to Laravel with Pusher
Yazid Hanifi
Re-Introducing Eloquent’s Polymorphic Relationships
Christopher Vundi
How to Build a Lyrics Website with Laravel Scout and Algolia
Reza Lavarian
Hello, Laravel? Communicating with PHP through SMS!
Christopher Thomas
Hello, Laravel? Communicating with PHP through Phone Calls!
Christopher Thomas
How to Build a Cryptocurrency Auto-Trader Bot with PHP? 💰
Joel Degan
Family CRMs, Guzzle Wrappers and PHP Machine Learning? Sourcehunt!
Bruno Skvorc
Jumping from PHP to Go: Blasphemy, Bravado or Common Sense?
Danny van Kooten
Can You Build a CLI Image Drawing Laravel App with These Packages?
Bruno Skvorc
PDS Skeleton by Example: A Standard for File and Folder Structure
Younes Rafie
Building a Social Network with Laravel and Stream? Easy!
Christopher Vundi
Real-Time Laravel Notifications and Follows? Sure, with Stream!
Christopher Vundi
An Alternative Laravel Package Development Workflow
Younes Rafie
Easily Add Social Logins to Your App with Socialite
Reza Lavarian
Sourcehunt – Build a Medium Exporter + Cool New Libs!
Bruno Skvorc
My Laravel Package Building Workflow
Francesco Malatesta
The Android Elephpant – Laravel on your Android Phone?
Claudio Ribeiro
Covering Laracon: Are Online Conferences Introvert Heaven?
Bruno Skvorc
The State of PHP MVC Frameworks in 2017
Vlad Kobilansky
How to Secure Laravel Apps with 2FA via SMS
Younes Rafie
PHP Fractal – Make Your API’s JSON Pretty, Always!
Younes Rafie
Laravel Dusk – Intuitive and Easy Browser Testing for All!
Viraj Khatavkar
Calendar as a Service in PHP? Easy, with Google Calendar API!
Wern Ancheta
Laravel & Braintree: Middleware and Other Advanced Concepts
Christopher Vundi
Laravel and Braintree, Sitting in a Tree…
Christopher Vundi
Voyager – Can an Admin UI Make Laravel Even More Approachable?
Claudio Ribeiro
Re-Introducing Jenkins: Automated Testing with Pipelines
Alex Bilbie
Let’s Kill the Password! Magic Login Links to the Rescue!
Christopher Vundi
Quick Tip: The Convenient Magic of Eloquent Observers
Younes Rafie
Showing 32 of 60