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PHP - Extensions
Procedurally Generated Game Terrain with React, PHP, and WebSockets
Christopher Pitt
Game Development with React and PHP: How Compatible Are They?
Christopher Pitt
ReactJS in PHP: Writing Compilers Is Easy and Fun!
Christopher Pitt
There’s a Gender Extension for PHP
Bruno Skvorc
Can You Build a CLI Image Drawing Laravel App with These Packages?
Bruno Skvorc
Getting to Know and Love Xdebug
Bruno Skvorc
Upgrading from Pthreads v2 to v3: What to Look out For
Thomas Punt
Parallel Programming with Pthreads in PHP – the Fundamentals
Thomas Punt
How PHP Executes – from Source Code to Render
Thomas Punt
What Would You Pay to Make 27% of the Web More Secure?
Bruno Skvorc
Sourcehunt – Open Source Week Edition
Bruno Skvorc
Testing PHP Code with Atoum – an Alternative to PHPUnit
Matthew Setter
Phpseclib: Securely Communicating with Remote Servers via PHP
Viraj Khatavkar
Up and Running with the Fastest PHP Framework on PHP7 in 5 Mins
Bruno Skvorc
Can We Have Static Types in PHP without PHP 7 or HHVM?
Younes Rafie
PHP, Arduino, And… Minecraft? Connecting an Arduino to PHP!
Christopher Pitt
Composer Global Require Considered Harmful?
Bruno Skvorc
Localizing Dates, Currency, and Numbers with Php-Intl
Younes Rafie
Localization Demystified: Php-Intl for Everyone
Younes Rafie
Sourcehunt: Cron Management, Hackathon Starters, PHP-GUI…
Bruno Skvorc
Easy Multi-Language Twig Apps with Gettext
Bruno Skvorc
Fun and Functional Programming in PHP with Macros
Christopher Pitt
Drunk with the Power of Composer Plugins
Christopher Pitt
Building OctoberCMS Form Field Widgets like a Pro
Younes Rafie
An In-depth Walkthrough of Supercharging Apps with Blackfire
Reza Lavarian
Transphporm – a Different Kind of Template Engine
Zack Wallace
Meet Elixir, the Laravel Way of Compiling Assets
Reza Lavarian
Debugging WordPress on Azure with Z-Ray
Daniel Berman
Logging with Monolog: From Devtools to Slack
Younes Rafie
Using the Selenium Web Driver API with PHPUnit
Younes Rafie
Speeding up Existing Apps with a Redis Cache
Bruno Skvorc
Boxing up your Apps as Phars Quickly and Easily with Box
Bruno Skvorc
Showing 32 of 51