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PHP - Database
High-output Project Management in Notion
Khe HyKate Andlund
An Introduction to MongoDB
Manjunath M
MySQL Performance Boosting with Indexes and Explain
Claudio Ribeiro
How to Optimize SQL Queries for Faster Sites
Iain Poulson
How to Optimize MySQL: Indexes, Slow Queries, Configuration
Bruno Skvorc
Introducing the Neo4j Symfony Bundle
Tobias Nyholm
Re-Introducing Eloquent’s Polymorphic Relationships
Christopher Vundi
How to Search on Securely Encrypted Database Fields
Scott Arciszewski
How to Synchronize WordPress Live and Development Databases
Craig Buckler
Eloquent & Polymorphic Relations: Overview and Usage Guide
Younes Rafie
Using GDELT 2 with PHP to Analyze the World!
Patrick van Bergen
Quick Tip: The Convenient Magic of Eloquent Observers
Younes Rafie
Extending OctoberCMS – Building a Soft-Delete Plugin
Younes Rafie
How to Create a Pokemon Spawn Locations Recorder with CouchDB
Wern Ancheta
A Pokemon Crash Course on CouchDB
Wern Ancheta
Quick Tip: Testing Symfony Apps with a Disposable Database
Andrew Carter
Laravel Doctrine – Best of Both Worlds?
Francesco Malatesta
Phinx – the Migration Library You Never Knew You Needed
Bruno Skvorc
Your First Drupal 8 Migration
Daniel Sipos
Building a Hacker News Reader with Lumen
Wern Ancheta
Contributing to Open Source: Gatekeeper Case Study
Bruno Skvorc
3 More Joins You Should Be Familiar With
Zack Wallace
Quick Tip: How to Permanently Change SQL Mode in MySQL
Bruno Skvorc
Watch: Fetch Remote Data Using Guzzle
Ashraff Hathibelagal
Modeling an Aggregate with Eloquent
Andrew Cairns
SQL vs NoSQL: How to Choose
Craig Buckler
First Look at Yahoo’s MySQL Performance Analyzer
Younes Rafie
Re-introducing PDO – the Right Way to Access Databases in PHP
Parham Doustdar
Speeding up Existing Apps with a Redis Cache
Bruno Skvorc
Showing 29 of 29