Bruno is a blockchain developer and technical educator at the Web3 Foundation, the foundation that's building the next generation of the free people's internet. He runs two newsletters you should subscribe to if you're interested in Web3.0: Dot Leap covers ecosystem and tech development of Web3, and NFT Review covers the evolution of the non-fungible token (digital collectibles) ecosystem inside this emerging new web. His current passion project is, the most advanced NFT system in the world, which allows NFTs to own other NFTs, NFTs to react to emotion, NFTs to be governed democratically, and NFTs to be multiple things at once.
Bruno's articles
MySQL 5.7 introduced some awkward changes for older codebases and tends to break apps. Here's how to temporarily (or permanently) lower the strictness level
See how easy it is to set up PHP 7 servers with both Laravel Forge and a manual DigitalOcean setup!
Bruno looks at Carbon, a library extending the basic DateTime PHP class, and implements it in a live project instead of pure string outputs of dates!
Bruno looks at PHP-HTTP, a project aiming to fully abstract HTTP client implementations in libraries / apps. In this tutorial, we break free from Guzzle5!
Bruno reviews this year's WebCamp Zagreb - a conference dedicated to web technologies and beer!
SitePoint's RTDSphinx-PHP project is a skeleton for Sphinx that's ReadTheDocs-friendly, PHP-enabled and localization-optimized out of the box.
Bruno Skvorc combines BowerPHP, Mini-Asset and into a PHP front end asset building pipeline that aims to completely avoid having to deal with NodeJS
ReadTheDocs is a popular platform for free hosting of Sphinx-generated project documentation. Bruno shows you how to use it when documenting PHP projects!
In this introduction, Bruno Skvorc introduces BDD in Laravel by installing and using Behat and PhpSpec to develop a simple testable feature.
In this tutorial, Bruno implements a Redis cache into an existing application - learn how you can speed up your apps by many factors in just minutes!
Bruno Skvorc reviews Hemingway Editor 2, the writing assistance tool which aims to scan your writing style and suggest fixes.
Bruno implements WP-API and OAuth into a WordPress installation, allowing other outside apps to hook into WP and use API calls to make posts!

Craig Buckler compared PHP and Node in his smackdown, and now Bruno and James, SitePoint's editors, have their say.
Bruno Skvorc uses Twig, Bootstrap and Diffbot's PHP client to build a search engine app for Diffbot-powered harvested data collections
Bruno Skvorc introduces Diffbot's crawling and searching functionality as he crawls the entire domain in one go, and then queries the data.
Bruno Skvorc visually guides you through setting up a DigitalOcean droplet and deploying a PHP app to it with DeployBot
Bruno wrote a quick tutorial on boxing up apps as Phar archives and distributing them as executable bins via Composer
Bruno Skvorc reintroduces Vagrant driven development in a post that covers the theory behind it - the what, the why, and the how.
Bruno Skvorc compiles a list of Composer tips and tricks for efficient workflows.
Scrutinizer is an online service for checking the quality of your PHP, Python or Ruby code. Bruno Skvorc shows you how to set it up and navigate the options
Maelstrom is Bittorrent's ambitious project which allows users to load websites via torrent magnet links - decentralized, free hosting for everyone!
Tired of setting up new virtual hosts for every new project? Make your server of choice do it automatically. Bruno Skvorc shows you how.
Bruno Skvorc explains the @each Laravel Blade construct and uses it to build recursive partials that print out infinitely nested trees of data. See how!
The survey is complete and the data has been crunched - which framework is the most popular PHP framework of 2015? Tune in to find out.
Phil Sturgeon's book "Build APIs You Won't Hate" promises to teach you best practices in API design. We've reviewed it, and this is the verdict.
Continuing the TDD story from before, we now test our API client by mocking the responses of the Diffbot API. Tune in to learn how to use response mocking!
It's tempting to get petulant when designing an unsubscribe flow. In some ways you're designing a break-up. Bruno shows you how to take the high road.
Bruno Skvorc shows you the best way to get started developing new PHP packages with the help of The PHP League and a friendly checklist
Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP is a book that promises to help you bring ancient horrible projects up to speed. Does it? Find out in this review!
Bruno Skvorc will show you how to export Trello lists in TXT and JSON with a newly added context menu via a Chrome extension.