Discover five techniques to lazy load images for better website performance. Learn how to add lazy loading in HTML, JavaScript, and on scroll.
Discover five techniques to lazy load images for better website performance. Learn how to add lazy loading in HTML, JavaScript, and on scroll.
Tonino Jankov examines the most prominent players in the web hosting industry, wading through their plans, infrastructure, and reputation, to give you recommendations for the best hosting provider for your needs.
WordPress theme developers need little more than a text editor and graphics package. But modern tools like Gulp can revolutionize your development workflow.
Craig Buckler shows you how to get a WordPress site up and running for the first time.
Having a fast site is important for your visitors and search results. How do you achieve that? Adrian Try lists the steps that will make a difference.
Maria Antonietta Perna explores the Performance Tool available in the Firefox browser to find out more about CSS animation performance.
How do you choose a set of applications from an ever-changing landscape of devices, operating systems and browsers? Craig discusses pragmatic options.
React eases the development of snappy, event-driven user interfaces that are fast at responding to state changes. This is particuarly important considering users expect web apps to feel smooth and seamless like native apps. In this article, you'll learn about what React is good at and what makes it work. This should provide you with the context required to decide if this library could be a good fit for your next project, and whether you should learn React.
Jacob McMillen shows you how to use your web host's staging environment features.
Jacob McMillen finds some of the best WordPress themes for users who want the greatest SEO benefit.
Jacob McMillen looks at six plugins that help solo entrepreneurs, or solopreneurs, automate more of their workflow.
If you want to work with Markdown within WordPress, you'll need a plugin. In this article, Adrian Try rounds up six of the best.
Have you heard of net neutrality? Do you know why it should matter to you, not only as a web citizen and consumer, but also as a web professional?
Need to include audio in your website? WordPress makes it easy. In this walk-through, Adrian Try shows you four methods to add a playlist to your site.
Your website is open to attack from a range of third-party components. Fortunately, you can restrict their activities with a robust Content Security Policy.
Does your website or application have a disaster plan? Take a look at this post for some things to consider when thinking ahead and planning for the worst!
Every successful business provides exceptional customer support. In this guide, Adrian Try lists five ways you can use WordPress to support your customers.
Are you planning on self-hosting your website? Take a look at this article to learn about the downsides of on-premise hosting before you take the leap!
Does an eCommerce site require a special hosting plan? In this guide Adrian Try takes you through what's needed to launch a successful online store.
Creating individual hosting accounts for multiple clients can be awkward for web agencies. Fortunately, many hosts provide facilities to ease the burden.
The term "cloud" is used in different contexts and services. Craig explains the basic concepts and the way in which it has revolutionized hosting.
Are you planning to build an ecommerce site with Magento and Git together in order to implement version control? Here are a few tips before you get started!
How do you keep hackers out of your secure WordPress site? A good strategy, and constant vigilance. Adrian Try lists 40 ways you can keep your site secure.
Looking for a way to manage MySQL databases securely from your Mac? Take a look at this guide to DB management with Sequel Pro.
Does the web delight or displease you? Craig lists his least favourite UI and marketing dark patterns. Have you developed on the dark side?
Maria Antonietta Perna discusses writing safe code in WordPress themes and shows some built-in functions you can plug into your code for added security.
Who is the best hosting provider for your WordPress site? Adrian Try runs five of the best through a series of checklists so you can find out.
Unlimited Everything in hosting is a myth. Take a look, as we go over the things to look for in hosts who claim to offer unlimited resources to customers.
Maria Antonietta Perna shows how to use conditional tags in WordPress themes to load styles and scripts only when needed for better website performance.
Average page weight has reached 2.8Mb. WordPress, which powers a third of websites, is partly responsible. Craig shows how to boost your theme performance.