Learn about key problems related to asynchronous programming in JavaScript and how to make your life easier with promises and async/await.
Learn about key problems related to asynchronous programming in JavaScript and how to make your life easier with promises and async/await.
Learn how JavaScript promises work, how to create and chain them, how promise error handling works, and how to use recent promise methods.
Prasanna Mahendiran provides tips on structuring asynchronous requests in a React-Redux application.
Joe Zimmermann takes a look at async functions (which are coming our way in ES2017) and how we might use them today to avoid the callback pyramid of doom.
Dan Prince looks at factory functions in JavaScript, examining the different types, their use cases & how they allow us to separate data from computations.
Aurelio De Rosa shows how jQuery Deferred objects help us escape "callback hell" and discusses the different implementations in jQuery 1.x/2.x and jQuery 3
Peter Bengtsson shows how to build a web page able to detect the distance of your face from the screen with JavaScript.
Hugo Giraudel introduces you to a library he has developed to preload images in parallel using promises. Performance for the win!
Jani Hartikainen explains how to deal with promises in unit tests using Mocha and Chai as the base and showing promise-related patterns that occur in tests.
This article covers six topics related to JavaScript promises which are less commonly discussed.
This article continues the exploration of JavaScript's new Promises API.