Dan's articles

Dan Prince demonstrates ten ways you can use native ES6 features (such as arrow functions & collection methods) to replace Lodash in your projects.

Dan Prince shows how to build a Todo app using React, Redux, and Immutable.js, showing how to use these two libraries to manage state

Dan Prince looks at factory functions in JavaScript, examining the different types, their use cases & how they allow us to separate data from computations.
Dan Prince demonstrates how you can bend JavaScript to your will by writing your own Babel plugin (in this case adding immutable data by defaut).
Dan Prince presents an in-depth comparison of 3 React alternatives (Deku, Preact & Virtual Dom) and looks at why they might be right for your next project.
Using the Mori library, Dan Prince demonstrates how to create and work with immutable data structures, making your code simpler and easier to reason about.
Dan Prince compares 6 different methods for binding the value of the this keyword in react components, including new methods from ES2015 and ES2016.