Need to consume and render data from an API in a Svelte application? Learn how to consume a REST API using the Fetch API vs the Axios client.
Need to consume and render data from an API in a Svelte application? Learn how to consume a REST API using the Fetch API vs the Axios client.
Ever taken a Jamstack view of a REST API? Learn how to evolve an API without breaking clients, with the help of Hapi, Joi, TypeScript, TDD, Mongo and more.
An introduction to Fastify, showing how to set up a Fastify API, define API routes, add schema validation to requests, load and use plugins, and define hooks.
Ahmed Bouchefra shows how to create your own custom route(s) for WP-API, allowing you to create mobile and web clients for your WordPress website that can also interact with your custom post types, rather than just the built-in WordPress types such as posts and categories.
Ilya Bodrov shows how to work with the wp-api-angular library, which allows you to interact with the WordPress API from Angular 2+ applications.
Jurgen Van de Moere takes an existing Angular 2+ app and adds a REST API back end. Learn about RxJS observables and how to mock HTTP services for testing.
This tutorial takes you through the various ways you can use the Uploadcare CDN API, including responsive images, resizing and progressive image loading
Ayush Gupta shows how to quickly create mock REST APIs to develop and test your client-side apps, with advanced features like filtering and pagination.
Wern Ancheta shows you how to build a Pokemon spawn location recorder app with CouchDB and the Slim Framework, wrapping it up in good security practices!
Jad builds a Laravel + Angular skeleton app that's designed to be highly team-scalable - meaning easily extensible and adaptable to new devs on the team!
Ludovico Fischer introduces you to superagent and axios, two libraries to perform GET and POST requests, and much more.
Dhaivat Pandya explains how to use VictorOps' REST endpoint to integrate it with other services, in this case, SalesForce.
An in depth implementation guide to building a REST API from scratch, while adhering to best practices in API design.
Go in depth on building a REST API from scratch, while adhering to best practices in API design. Learn how to build REST apps like a pro.
Taylor Ren explains how you can use Phreeze to autogenerate CRUD applications for your already existing databases - often in already existing apps.