Fullstack Blockchain Developer at TheLedger.be with a passion for the crypto atmosphere.
Michiel's articles

Want to lose users? Miss out on sales? No? Learn seven easy ways to make sure the wording on your app isn't sending users and profits away!

Choosing an online video player? Building one? Wait! It's not just about looks. Learn about cool UX features now available, and why they're so important.

You submit a form—but get no feedback. Wha? Did it submit? Learn how to make sure your UI elements provide feedback to users—so that you don't lose them!

Michiel Mulders explains the meaning of positive reinforcement in terms of UX, and offers practical tips for improving the experience of website visitors.

Improve your user experience with machine learning. Learn five strategies where machine learning solutions can realistically solve design problems today.

Michiel introduces five best practices you can use to provide a more learnable interface to your users, from consistency to familiarity and storification.

An introduction to Fastify, showing how to set up a Fastify API, define API routes, add schema validation to requests, load and use plugins, and define hooks.

Building robust APIs is an important skill — they make the web go round. Learn the best practices to consider when building RESTful APIs.

Michiel Mulders shows you how to install and set up a new Discord bot, which is made easier thanks to the API offered by the Discord.js package.

Michiel Mulders explains how to build new custom Alexa skills by using the Alexa Skill Kit, showing how to create a basic "get a fact" Alexa skill.

In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to build your first Telegram chatbot using JavaScript and Node.js.

Automation has formed a new development model known as NoOps. We cover what NoOps is, the benefits of using it, and how to implement it.

Michiel Mulders demonstrates how, when building a Vue app with Vue CLI, to make use of both Vue’s async components and webpack’s code-splitting functionality to load in parts of a page after a Vue app’s initial render — keeping initial load time to a minimum and giving your app a snappier feel.

Developing with a security mindset is extremely important as the cost of failure can be high and change can be difficult. It’s recommended to use secure design patterns like rate limiters, exit strategies or circuit breakers to protect your contract against unexpected events.

This article will guide you through the best practices and pitfalls when using a random number as input for your Ethereum smart contract.

Michiel Mulders compares Heroku and Now.sh, showing how to deploy Node apps to each service and looking at additional features like monitoring and logging.