Learn how to create a sortable and filterable table component in React, which helps to speed up processes when working with large data sets.
Learn how to create a sortable and filterable table component in React, which helps to speed up processes when working with large data sets.
M. David Green uses filtering to limit a data set & chaining to combine the results with map/reduce. The result—clean code that performs complex operations.
Ashraff explains how to create streams and then transform them using three widely used higher-order methods named map, filter and reduce.
Zack Wallace covers three SQL join approaches which can aid you in filtering your data. If you're an SQL newbie, this post will teach you valuable things!
Christopher Pitt shows us how we can use RulerZ, the PHP rule engine, to smarten up playlist song selection by applying constraints and filters!
Taylor Ren shows you how easy it is to build a custom Symfony2 Twig filter, all while using PHPUnit to respect TDD practices.
Younes Rafie upgrades his previous demo application by extending the Google Analytics implementation with filters and charts from Highcharts.js
Taylor Ren introduces PINQ - a PHP library based on LINQ for providing a unified API for querying arrays, iterators and external data sources
Lukas White introduces the readers to the PHP Underscore library - a PHP port of the popular JavaScript "utility belt"
Lukas White runs through Assetic basics and explains various uses of this asset manager through detailed code snippets
Develop a command line markdown parser with PHP streams. Utilize user made filters to process an MD file and convert it to HTML.