Maria Antonietta Perna is a teacher and technical writer. She enjoys tinkering with cool CSS standards and is curious about teaching approaches to front-end code. When not coding or writing for the web, she enjoys reading philosophy books, taking long walks, and appreciating good food.
Maria Antonietta's articles

Maria Antonietta Perna discusses writing safe code in WordPress themes and shows some built-in functions you can plug into your code for added security.

Maria Antonietta Perna shows how to use conditional tags in WordPress themes to load styles and scripts only when needed for better website performance.

Maria Antonietta Perna discusses three ways in which you can use SVGO to optimize SVG graphics to be used on your website.

Maria Antonietta Perna discusses CSS as being on the critical rendering path and points out a few solutions you can try out in your development work.

Maria Antonietta Perna digs into performance issues when loading custom web fonts. She discusses file size and FOIT and shows some cutting-edge solutions.

Maria Antonietta Perna introduces Velocity JS, a super featured JavaScript library for DOM animation, and shows how to use it without jQuery dependency.

Maria Antonietta Perna introduces five image formats for the web: JPG, GIF, PNG, SVG and WebP and explains how to choose the right image format for the web.

Maria Antonietta Perna introduces BEM, SMACSS and eCSS, three CSS architecture methodologies to help you write clean and maintainable CSS code.

Maria Antonietta Perna shows why SVG images can be great for website performance, provided you follow a few simple steps when you design and export them

Maria Antonietta Perna introduces three HTML minification tools to automate optimization of your markup for a faster website and better user experience.

Maria Antonietta Perna presents some front-end learning resources and the new SitePoint Premium's CSS Animation course by Donovan Hutchinson

Maria Antonietta Perna introduces KUTE.js, a versatile library as her second installment in the Beyond CSS: Dynamic DOM Animation Libraries series.

Maria Antonietta Perna shows how the decision of open sourcing Bootstrap, the popular front-end framework, was key to its growth and success.

In this first article of a series on dynamic DOM animation, Maria Antonietta Perna explores Anime.js, a new library to make the web come to life.

Maria Antonietta Perna takes a critical and in-depth look at whether image replacement techniques are still relevant today and the alternatives.

Maria Antonietta Perna introduces Cutestrap, a brand new Sass-based CSS framework to fast-track your front-end development projects.
In this tutorial, Maria Antonietta Perna covers how to build a WordPress theme super-fast, using the Beans Theme Framework.

We have access to a wider set of web fonts than ever before, but choice can be a tyranny. Luckily Antonietta has 20 tools to help you better pair type.

Maria Antonietta Perna looks at the various in-browser methods available for masking images with CSS and SVG.
Maria gives a nice overview of the features of Google's Material Design Lite framework and how you can use it in one of your new projects.
Using lots of demos, Maria Antonietta Perna discusses many of the features of jCanvas, a jQuery plugin to make it easier to work with the HTML5 Canvas API.
Maria Antonietta Perna takes a look at the syntax for the new @supports rule, which allows you to test for browser features, similar to how Modernizr is used.
Maria Antonietta Perna discusses the capabilities of border images in CSS, describing each of the properties in the border image spec.
Antonietta Perna looks at a number of different CSS properties that can be used to control text and white space on web pages
In this article we show you how to integrate the popular jQuery Colorbox plugin by Jack Moore into the native WordPress gallery for a sleek lightbox effect.
In this article, Maria Antonietta Perna shows you how to quickly and easily integrate the Kirki WordPress Customizer Toolkit into your own WordPress themes.
Maria Antonietta Perna has created some visual examples and demos to help understand CSS's cool new mix-blend-mode property and how it can be used today.
Antonietta Perna shows us how to use the mixins from the Bootstrap Less mixin library to our advantage.