Michael lists a selection of must-have VS Code extensions for JavaScript developers, showing why VS Code is a serious contender for best code editor.
Tag: extensions
Did you know PHP has an extension for determining genders of first names? It's quite pointless on all levels, and still in the core manual. Weird!
Read An Introduction to Messages Extensions on iOS and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.
Chris demonstrates using Yay, a library for building PHP macros - syntax sugar for the language that doesn't rely on PHP extensions or blood magic
Craig recommends several packages and themes that transform GitHub's Atom from a being good editor into a truly great editor.
Thien Tran Duy explains how you can run multiple versions of PHP on one server actively, each with its own extensions environment.
This post will show you how to install custom PHP extensions into Zend Server 7. The tutorial focuses on Phalcon, but applies to all extensions.
Ever wondered how you can install PHP extensions from source? Bruno Škvorc explains in this step by step tutorial.
Thien Tran Duy explains how we can get started with PHP Extension development through Zephir, the new language from the Phalcon team
Taylor Ren continues with his C++ tutorial on developing PHP extensions through PHP-CPP
Matthew Setter covers Composer Cheatsheet - a tool specifically designed to give you the summary of all the awesomeness Composer provides
Taylor Ren explains how we can develop PHP extensions in C++ with the help of the PHP-CPP library
Read How to Handle Unloaded PHP Extensions at Runtime and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.