Akshay Kadam introduces Styled Components, a JS-based means of adding styles to your React project, and then shows how to use them in practice by imitating the Unsplash interface.
Akshay Kadam introduces Styled Components, a JS-based means of adding styles to your React project, and then shows how to use them in practice by imitating the Unsplash interface.
We’ll now look at two methodologies for naming things in CSS: Block-Element-Modifier (better known as BEM) and Atomic CSS.
Maria Antonietta Perna introduces BEM, SMACSS and eCSS, three CSS architecture methodologies to help you write clean and maintainable CSS code.
Hugo Giraudel discusses the various popular ways in CSS that we name and use class selectors and how Sass can help in structuring them.
Patrick Catanzariti spoke to some experienced front-end developers to get their views on how to deal with the popular BEM CSS methodology on large scale projects.
Aurelio De Rosa covers SoundManager 2, a library that makes it easier to play audio using JavaScript. The article also offers a complete demo to play with.
Alexander looks at some solutions for dealing with selector specificity when working with a CSS preprocessor.
Patrick contacted a number of developers who have used BEM and SMACSS in their projects, and collected their thoughts on how they can be used effectively.
Kitty Giraudel with a detailed tutorial on creating a step wizard, commonly found in e-commerce, using BEM and Sass techniques.
Jon Cuthbert presents a simple approach to CSS class naming, building on methodologies like OOCSS, BEM, and others popular methods.