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Web - Cloud
Getting Started with TransloadIt – Key Concepts
Lukas White
Boost Your WP and Drupal Performance with Pantheon
Craig Buckler
How I Used Blob Storage to Host My Podcast .mp3 Files
David Voyles
How to Test for Internet Explorer on Android, iOS, and Mac OS X
Rey Bango
Deploying to Heroku using Gulp, Node, and Git
Dennis Gaebel
Easy Internet Explorer Testing with RemoteIE
Craig Buckler
How to Supercharge Slack for Powerful Workplace Collaboration
Shaumik Daityari
WordPress vs. Jekyll: Why You Might Want to Switch
David Turnbull
8 Essential Skills Developers Can Learn in a Weekend
Shaumik Daityari
Anatomy of a Web App: How I Built RedditLater in Clojure
Adam Bard
Google’s BigQuery Provides Free Access to GDELT
Bruno Skvorc
6 Online Document and Text Editors Reviewed
Jacco Blankenspoor
Getting Started with Laravel on
Bruno Skvorc
Phalcon on Windows Azure
Bruno Skvorc
Translation and Text-to-Speech with Microsoft Translator
Rakhitha Nimesh
Google App Engine and PHP: Getting Started
Bruno Skvorc
Hosting Media in the Cloud
Boney Pandya
Database as a Service: MySQL in the Cloud
Jacco Blankenspoor
The Benefits of Managed Hosting for Small Business
Boney Pandya
A Quick Introduction to Apache Cassandra
Nikolas Goebel
Ricky Onsman
Distributed Cache On Steroids: Amazon ElastiCache
Harish Ganesan
Email as a Service Part 2: Sendgrid, Mailgun and Postmark
Jacco Blankenspoor
Cloud Slice: Oracle Cloud
Vishal Biyani
SQL or NoSQL: Google App Engine Part – 2
Nikolas Goebel
Incapsula: Security in the Cloud
Igal Zeifman
Deploy CakePHP Apps on AppFog the Right Way
Vito Tardia
Accelerate Java Apps with CloudBees
Vishal Biyani
Amazon DynamoDB: Store PHP Sessions With a Load Balancer
Vito Tardia
VM with XenServer, Java, and Apache CloudStack
Daniel Kranowski
Backend as a Service – Part 1
James Hughes
Scaling lessons learned at Dropbox: from 4k to 40 million
Rajiv Eranki
Showing 64 of 86