Deploy CakePHP Apps on AppFog the Right Way
This article covers two topics: deploying an application to the AppFog cloud provider
, and best practices for a well-structured PHP application.
First we’ll build a simple note-taking application using CakePHP and its automated bake command. Then, I’ll show you one way to structure the application separating its components into:
- application code
- application data and settings
- library and vendor code
Key Takeaways
- AppFog, a Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider, allows the deployment of applications to multiple infrastructure providers and supports multiple programming languages. It offers a free plan with 2GB of RAM, 10 services, and a 50GB data transfer limit.
- A well-structured PHP application separates its components into application code, application data and settings, and library and vendor code. This allows for easier updating, backup, and maintenance of each component separately.
- When creating an application in AppFog, it’s crucial to bind a database service and set custom variables. AppFog allows the setting of the APP_ENV variable, which determines the environment the app considers itself in.
- AppFog offers features such as the ability to clone an entire application, which is useful for creating a staging or bug fixing environment. It’s a relatively young PaaS service but it’s fast, easy to use, and constantly evolving.
Sign Up with AppFog
AppFog is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider built on top of the open-source Cloud Foundry project. It provides support for multiple programming languages and lets us deploy applications to multiple infrastructure providers, such as Amazon AWS, HP Openstack, Microsoft Azure, and Rackspace DFW. Signing up with AppFog is very simple; all you need is an email address and a password and you have access to their free plan which offers 2GB of RAM, 10 services (ex. databases) with a max of 100MB each, and a 50GB data transfer limit. That’s lot for a free service! Also, as they say, you can move your app to any Cloud Foundry compatible service. Go ahead and create your free AppFog account, and then we’ll continue.Create the Local Application
Download the latest version of CakePHP and extract it on your development machine, and then rename it as your application (I choose FogNotes). Make this directory visible by your web server with a friendly URL (ex. http://fognotes.local), the document root should be theapp/webroot
directory, and create an empty MySQL database (ex. fognotes_local
In your browser, you should see the default homepage provided by CakePHP. Don’t worry about the warnings – we’ll take care of them soon enough.
Now create a directory named data
and two subdirectories within it named config
and logs
. Copy (or move) the app/tmp
directory inside data
and make this and the logs
directory writable to the web server. As a finishing touch, create an alias of CakePHP’s console command cake
in the root directory of your application.
~/FogNotes$ ln -s lib/Cake/Console/cake cakeYour directory structure should look like this:
FogNotes/ app/ data/ config/ logs/ tmp/ cache/ logs/ sessions/ tests/ lib/ Cake/ plugins/ vendors/ cake index.phpBy doing this, we have separated the specific application code (
) from the framework (lib/Cake
) and libraries (plugins
and vendors
). Also, the application’s data and settings are all in one separate place (data/*
). Now we can we can now update, backup, and maintain each of the components separately. This is much desired in a real-world application!
With the directory structure in place, let’s tell CakePHP to use it. We must set the custom temp directory, so edit app/webroot/index.php
and paste this code just after the define('ROOT',...)
// Custom TMP directory
if (!defined('TMP')) {
define('TMP', ROOT . DS . 'data' . DS . 'tmp' . DS);
Now for the database. Normally the database connection settings are stored inside the app/Config
directory in a file named database.php
. We’ll modify this setting in order to have the framework look in data/config
directory for a file whose named after our current environment instead (ex. data/config/local.php
Copy the file app/Config/database.php
.default to app/Config/database.php
and replace the DATABASE_CONFIG
class with this code:
public $default = null;
public $test = null;
public $env = null;
* Switch configuration based on environment
function __construct() {
// Check that a suitable environment is defined
if (!defined('APP_ENV')) {
return false;
$this->env = APP_ENV;
// Try to read database settings from the current ENV file
$config = Configure::read('Database.config');
if (!is_array($config)) {
return false;
// Load all config database profiles
foreach ($config as $name => $data) {
$this->$name = $data;
// Throw an error if there is no suitable configuration
if (empty($config['default']) || empty($this->default)) {
return false;
This trick was adapted from an article published in CakePHP developers community by eimermusic. The environment will be defined using the bootstrap file or reading an environment variable provided by AppFog and the associated config file will be loaded.
The app/Config/bootstrap.php
file is the startup file for the application. Near the bottom of the file, after the Configure::write('Dispatcher.filters'...)
statement, insert this code that registers the data/config
path with CakePHP:
// Define a custom reader to search for config files
App::uses('PhpReader', 'Configure');
new PhpReader(ROOT . DS . 'data' . DS . 'config' . DS));
// Determine the environment
if ($env = getenv('APP_ENV')) {
if (!defined('APP_ENV')) define('APP_ENV', $env);
else {
if (!defined('APP_ENV')) define('APP_ENV', 'local');
AppFog will let us set the APP_ENV
variable. If it’s not set, then the app considers itself in local mode.
Now skip to the end of the file and paste this code:
try {
catch (ConfigureException $e) {
// do something, for example exit application
The Configure::load()
statement tells CakePHP to search the data/config
directory for a file named like the current environment (exs. local.php
or prod.php
). Within this file we can override all the settings defined earlier by the application.
A sample local.php
config file could be:
// Load base configuration. Any of the core settings can be
// overridden here. Don't delete the $config var!
$config = array(
'debug' => 1
// If declared in the $config array, String::UUID() crashes
Configure::write('Security.salt', 'SomeSuperSecretLongString');
Configure::write('Security.cipherSeed', 'SomeSuperSecretLongNumber');
// Database settings
Configure::write('Database.config', array(
'default' => array(
'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'root',
'password' => 'secret_password',
'database' => 'fognotes_local',
'prefix' => '',
'encoding' => 'utf8',
'unix_socket' => '/tmp/mysql.sock',
// Custom Log file settings to ROOT/data/logs/
CakeLog::config('default', array(
'engine' => 'FileLog',
'path' => ROOT . DS . 'data' . DS . 'logs' . DS
With all the customization in place, the warning messages in the default home page should disappear.
Create the Application in AppFog
Log into your AppFog console and create a new application. Be sure to choose PHP as the application type, your favorite infrastructure provider (I chose AWS Europe), and give it a name. Then click “Create App” and, in just a couple of seconds, the system will send you to the app’s “Mission Control”. The application with AppFog initally consists of a singleindex.php
file with “Hello World” code; we have to upload our local code. But before we do, we need to bind a database service. Select the “Services” panel, click on the MySQL button, and give it a name (ex. fognotes_prod
). The credentials to connect to the service are stored into the environment variable VCAP_SERVICES
We also need to go to the “Env Variables” panel and set our custom variable. Create a new variable named APP_ENV
with the value of “prod” and save.
Make a copy of data/config/local.php
and name it data/config/prod.php
and open it with your editor. We’ll extract the database settings following the guidelines provided by the AppFog docs. Edit the configuration file so that it looks like this:
// ...other code
// AppFog Extraction
$services_json = json_decode(getenv('VCAP_SERVICES'),true);
$af_mysql_config = $services_json['mysql-5.1'][0]['credentials'];
// Database settings
Configure::write('Database.config', array(
'default' => array(
'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => $af_mysql_config['hostname'],
'login' => $af_mysql_config['username'],
'password' => $af_mysql_config['password'],
'database' => $af_mysql_config['name'],
'prefix' => '',
'encoding' => 'utf8',
// ...other code
We could also bind the application to a custom domain or subdomain (for free!) but that’s not the case here.
Now we’re almost ready to push our code! In the “Update Source Code” panel, find the instructions to install the af
utility on your system. Open a terminal session and navigate into your application root. Follow the instructions to install the CLI tool, then login but don’t download the remote project code. Instead, go ahead with the command af update FogNotes
to push the local code to the remote server. In less then a minute, your application is deployed and you can should see the same home screen as your local version. This means the application recognizes the production environment and the remote database.
Adding Some Finishing Touches
We have an empty application deployed, but we must add at least some code and data for our app. We’ll let CakePHP do the hard work. Create the filedata/config/notes.sql
with the following content:
title VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
content TEXT NOT NULL ,
INDEX (title, created, modified)
Import the file into you local database on the command line or with your favorite MySQL tool.
Next, from your app’s root directory, run the command:
~/FogNotes$ ./cake bakeFollow the instructions (it’s really easy!) and create a model, view, and controller for “Notes”, which is the only table in the database. CakePHP will create the right files for you. Then, open the file
and replace the first Router::connect()
statement with the following code to re-link the home page to the list of notes:
array('controller' => 'notes', 'action' => 'index'));
Reload the local home page and you should have a fully functioning application. Now it’s time to publish the changes. The command af update FogNotes
will push the new code.
You’ll see a nasty error page if you reload the remote app now. This is because we haven’t created the data table on the remote database. Woops!
The easiest way to import tables is by creating a tunnel with the af tunnel
command and then connect to the remote database using the info provided by the tunnel itself. Open the tunnel in a console window, select “none” as client type, and then you can use another terminal window to import the SQL file:
mysql --protocol=TCP --host=localhost --port=10000 --user=RemoteUserName --password=RemotePassword RemoteLongDifficultDBName < /path/to/notes.sqlYou can also use Sequel Pro if you are on a Mac or MySQL Workbench as long as the tunnel is open. Once the table is in place, the remote application will run smoothly again.
The organization of the sample application I showed to you here is just one of many techniques you can use to improve your CakePHP development processes. For example, you could store sessions to a file in your local machine and use MongoDB in an AppFog production instance. AppFog is a relatively young PaaS service, but is promising. It’s fast and easy to use, and it’s always evolving. AppFog also lets you clone an entire application, useful to create a staging or bug fixing environment. The rest is up to you, so happy coding!Vito Tardia (a.k.a. Ragman), is a web designer and full stack developer with 20+ years experience. He builds websites and applications in London, UK. Vito is also a skilled guitarist and music composer and enjoys writing music and jamming with local (hard) rock bands. In 2019 he started the BlueMelt instrumental guitar rock project.
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