Need to translate your website? Learn how to use the JavaScript Internationalization API (I18n) and how easy it is to implement it in your apps.
Need to translate your website? Learn how to use the JavaScript Internationalization API (I18n) and how easy it is to implement it in your apps.
In this quick tip, Jérémy Heleine covers how you can translate a WordPress plugin description to make it more user friendly in any language.
Aurelio De Rosa demonstrates the internationalization (i18n) & localization (l10n) of calendars, dates & currencies in JavaScript, using jQuery Globalize.
Younes take a more detailed look at php-intl, this time focusing on localized dates, currencies, numbers, calendars, and more
Confused by php-intl and localization in general? Don't be! Younes explains what it's all about and guides us through some examples!
There are many approaches to internationalizing an app. Here's one using Gettext, Twig, and a solid application skeleton for a demo!
Ahmad Ajmi shows how to build a page application that requires a multilingual support with more than one language using AngularJS.
SitePoint's RTDSphinx-PHP project is a skeleton for Sphinx that's ReadTheDocs-friendly, PHP-enabled and localization-optimized out of the box.
In this article we cover the process of i18n and internationalizing WordPress plugins and how you can can easily translate your plugin to other languages.
In this article we cover WordPress i18n and how to install (or convert) WordPress in your own language and convert an existing site to a localized version.
Jacek Barecki discusses common approaches to localizing your app's different parts, adding multi-language support to various aspects of a PHP web app
Learn how to force Apache to ignore cached gettext translations - the class described in this article helps you keep your translations fresh.
Read Easy Internationalization for Your Rails App with BDD and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.
This topic is going to teach you about Darcy Laycock's 10 Ruby on Rails Best Practices - Part 1. Enjoy!