John Ivanoff

John Ivanoff

John is a Dallas-based front-end/back-end web developer with 15+ years experience. His professional growth has come from big corporate day jobs and weekend freelance. His is enjoys working the Ruby the most these days and has even added pain to the process by developing Rails for Windows! He’s had many years of enjoyment with Cold Fusion and has strong background in web standards.

John's articles

Making Links in Ruby
Making Links in Ruby

By John Ivanoff,

In this article, you'll learn how to make links in Ruby. Here, we scan strings for URL-like strings and create HTML links out of each one. This is done with just a few lines of Ruby.

Moving Pictures with Sinatra, Part III
Moving Pictures with Sinatra, Part III

By John Ivanoff,

In this article Craig goes over CSS animation. Let’s leverage the keyframes technique described there to change the opacity of the images. Start with the opacity at zero, and go to one, to show the image in all it’s glory.

The Ruby Transmogrifier
The Ruby Transmogrifier

By John Ivanoff,

Read The Ruby Transmogrifier and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.