Reza goes through Elixir, a Laravel addon for front-end asset management. Compilation, minification, optimization, versioning and more - check it out!
Tag: assets
Meet Elixir, the Laravel Way of Compiling Assets
Automatic Asset Optimization with Munee
Narayan introduces Munee - a PHP lib that automates CSS, JS, LESS, SCSS, CoffeeScript etc minification and compilation, image resizing, caching, and more!
Look, Ma! No NodeJS! – A PHP Front-end Workflow Without Node
Bruno Skvorc combines BowerPHP, Mini-Asset and into a PHP front end asset building pipeline that aims to completely avoid having to deal with NodeJS
Asset Access Restriction Methods – Block Unwanted Visitors
Jeroen Meeus explains Access Restriction - ways of blocking direct embeds and hotlinking of your website's content
Getting Started with Assetic
Lukas White runs through Assetic basics and explains various uses of this asset manager through detailed code snippets