Pug is a preprocessor that speeds up writing HTML. Learn the syntax and features by building a simple Node project with Pug.
Pug is a preprocessor that speeds up writing HTML. Learn the syntax and features by building a simple Node project with Pug.
Chris uses ReactJS, PHP, and Websockets to demonstrate how we can procedurally generate game terrain for our rip-off of Stardew Valley!
Chris bootstraps a basic Stardew-Valley-like game in this game development with PHP post, using an async server, preprocessors, and ReactJS!
Hugo Giraudel explains clearly the differences between Sass and SCSS and offers an overview of the two syntaxes, a bit of history, and his recommendations.
Chris writes test watchers: auto-compiling PHP from Preprocess files, and auto-testing after every file-change. No need to manually run PHPUnit ever again!
Chris adds some unexpected functionality to PHP, and all without custom extensions or recompiling. Let's unlock the power of macros and preprocessors!
A quick video introduction to three of the most popular preprocessors: Sass, Haml, and CoffeeScript.
Most Sass developers have a basic grasp of @extend. This article expands on the topic and shows you some things you might not know.