An ORM library simplifies the job of writing database queries. Learn about 9 JS and TypeScript ORMs and how they could help you.
Tag: orm
Christopher presents Eloquent's polymorphic relationships in a human-friendly way - come learn what they're all about and master this awesome ORM!
Francesco introduces Laravel Doctrine, and builds a sample app with it - come learn about this powerful ORM + Framework mix!
In this article Aldo Ziflaj introduces three JavaScript ORMs which can help you deal with complex data in your app: Bookshelf.js, Sequelize and Lovefield.
Nicolas Scolari demonstrates a well known Traits example on Doctrine entities, showing you they're nothing to be afraid of.
Arno Slatius explains Yii 2.0's ActiveRecord, listing the features, novelties, upgrades and usage examples.
Francesco Malatesta introduces Ardent, a way to improve your Laravel models with auto-validation and auto-hydration
If you are developing an Android application, you will likely need to store data somewhere and ORMs, Aldo Ziflaj looks at five of the best to consider.
Taylor Ren introduces PINQ - a PHP library based on LINQ for providing a unified API for querying arrays, iterators and external data sources
This article explores the concept of ORMs and gives a brief introduction to Bookshelf.js.